Your Wisdom Woodshed


My latest invention.

Please tell me about the Real Feel Octagonal "snare"
Here's my current low-volume setup with the L80's and Reflexx pads. I can use drums at full volume in my place but I like to practice certain things on pads and I've been working on some video content with the practice setup lately.


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Hey Jason, long time!

This is my living room. Those are my drums. That's my son on 'em. This is also my primary rehearsal space (one can't see the stack of amps on the other wall) with bands that I play in, and also my only woodshed. It is still an apartment and fortunately I have really gracious neighbours (so far, fingers crossed)!


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Wow I've missed this. Ok here's where the "magic" occurs in the woodshed-there is technically wood in it too. Two images of it in all it's glory. ROFL

Now I should commit that when I moved in this was unfinished basement-a real chip hole. But just recently spent about 25 grand on installing sound proof wall panels and carpet-the latest in high tech. Completely sound proof but most visible light is transmitted so though I can see it-when I take iPhone pics it appears invisible. That's just an optical illusion it's beautiful in person-sort of glassy translucent high tech look.................Ok, Ok I can't tell a lie-all this "honesty and integrity" here on DW is starting to wash off on me-no it's still a chip hole but it is a diamond in the rough-least my hopes. All of you were making me insecure my drum room is so dank but it's my fault I know (Johnny would have already turned this into a luxury cubical).


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My straight-up-indie V-recording setup. This was my driver's seat all during the lockdowns.

Deluxe TD-11, Zoom H6 and a smartphone. From here I was traveling the webz from coast to coast, and remote collaborating with any cats I found who had any way to record themselves. Made some cool moments while we were all stuck inside.

Virtual Studio.jpg Look Ma, no Computer! 20210714_234833.jpg Cozy right?
The drum room/guest bedroom/home office. I spend the majority of every day in here. Need to dust the kit…
Despite getting on with both neighbouring properties who are happy for me to practice I still try to be respectable so I only practice my electric kit at home. I have a small area at the side of the bedroom for my kit, spare gear and music memorabilia (another big passion of mine).

Although a little more room would be nice, it still works for me.


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gimme that old tyme religion
gimme that old tyme religion

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gimme that old tyme religion
is good enough for me..