What's in Your Bag?

McPherson Goods folding stick bag:

- 2 pairs of Vater Manhattan 7A's
- 2 pairs of Vater Los Angeles 5A's
- 1 pair of Bopworks West Coast sticks
- 1 pair Vic Firth Steve Jordan sticks
- Vic Firth Heritage retractable brushes
- Vater Wiretap wooden handle brushes
- Zildjian cymbal mallets

- a Sharpie for writing set lists
- a few pens
- several drum keys
- notepad

The McPherson Goods stick bag is nicely made and nice looking but not very functional for my needs, which is a shame - can't hang it off my floor tom as it's too long and drags on the ground. Will probably order a Cac Sac stick bag soon.
Stick bag:
Six pairs of Vic Firth Classic Metal N sticks (half new, half broken-in)
50% chance of a drum key

Survival bag:
Gaffer tape
Cymbal felts and plastic sleeve/wingnuts
Golf towel (the little metal ring hangs it from a lug on the floor tom)
Flip-flops (I play barefoot) for between sets
50% chance of a drum key
Nail clippers
Wristbands (4" wide baseball style)
Butch wax (will not sweat out no matter what)
At the time of writing...

Sabian Premium Stick Bag

Vic Firth:
-2 pairs SD10 Swingers
-2 pairs Weckl Evolutions
-2 pairs AJ6
-1 pair AJ3
-1 pair each of Erskine Piccolo Tips and "Ride sticks."
-1 pair Keith Carlock sticks

-1 pair Legacy Brushes
-1 pair Heritage Brushes
-1 pair Wire Brushes

-1 pair Ted Atkatz Persimmon Signature Concert Snare Sticks
-2 pairs American Custom M1 Keyboard Mallets
-1 pair T1 General Timpani Mallets
-1 pair T2 Cartwheel Timpani Mallets
-1 pair T3 Staccato Timpani Mallets
-1 pair T4 Ultra Staccato Timpani Mallets

-1 pair World Classic Alex Acuna El Paso Timbale sticks

-1 set of Hi-Fidelity Earplugs

-1 Boss DB 30 metronome / tuner

-1 Ratchet drum key
-1 drill bit drum key

-1 Yamaha Timpani Tuning Key

Sound Percussion 6" Gum Rubber practice pad

Small set of Allen Wrenches
Small flashlight
Needle-nose pliers
Adjustable wrench
2 pencils

Tons more at home.

I have too much stuff. I never break sticks, but I like bouncing around from time to time to see which one is truly perfect for me.
Five or six pair of Promark 5bn hickory. A set of mallets, a set of hot rods, and one pair of Ahead graphite 5bn, the unbreakable stick. I've never used them in twenty years. I also have a couple felts, a drum key, some snare nylons and a Falams patch.
Vic Firth SD1 General (main sticks)
Vater Rock (tryin' em out)
A pair of old mallets
A robokey
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Drumset bag:
Colaiuta Sig (main stick)
Erskine Big Band
Erskine Ride
John Riley Mallet
VF Rute 505
VF T2 mallets
Mezzo 1 rods
Mezzo 2 rods
Ziljian brushes
VF Heritage brushes
PM Broomsticks large
+felts, washers, drumkeys, moongels, pens/pencils, clutch and pedal parts.

Orchestral snare bag:
Pustjens SD1 Oak
Pustjens SD1 Hickory
Pustjens SD2
Pustjens SD3 pau rosa
Pustjens SD3 other one?
Pustjens SD4
Pustjens SD5
VF Tom Gauger #16
moongel and drumkey
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Zildjian Session Stick Bag

- 2 x pairs of Nylon Tip Vic Firth 7A's
- 2 x pairs of Wooden Tip Vic Firth 7A's
- Pair of brushes
- Pair of Hotrods
- Pair of Mallets
- Gaffa Tape
- Drum Key
- Felts etc.
Well, sticks and mallets, brushes, drum keys, and a spare HH clutch are important.... but I also keep a fresh supply of condoms as well.... after all, I am a drummer!
2 x ProMark TX5AN
2 x ProMark TX747N
1 x ProMark TX5BN
1 x ProMark Glenn Kotche Signature
1 x ProMark 5AL
1 x Vic Firth Abe Laboriel Jr Signature
1 x ProMark Hot Rods

Apple Earbuds
Drum Key
Cymbal Felts
Cymbal Sleeves
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3 X Vic Firth 8D
2 X Regal Tip Brush Sticks
1 X Vic Firth T-1 Mallets
1 X Pro Mark Hot Rods
1 X Vic Firth M144 Metal Bell Mallets
1 X Triangle striker

Drum Key
USB FOB for Octapad Backup
Concert Bag (Yamaha):

IP - 1 (concert sticks)
Vater Sugar Maple
Vater Maple Piccolo
Ludwig Bass Drum Mallets
Malletech Suspended Cymbal
Vic Firth brushes (currently on loan to drum set bag)
Malletech Bell Mallets
Malletech Zy/Bell mallets
ProMark Timpani (Haas General)
Balter Timpani (Hard and Staccato)
Stand light
Moongel Pads
Pen light
Drum key
LP (I think) Claves
Black towel

Drum set bag (currently Meinle, soon some leather bag):

IP 1s
Vater Rock
IP 2B Power
IP Rock
IP Cool Ride
Vater ???
Firth Suspended Cymbal
Drum key

RegalTip Jazz (nylon tip), Vater 7A Manhattan, Rohema 7A Hornwood
A variety of rods and brushes and so forth. Metronome, gaffa-tape, a small recorder, hihat-cluth, felts, memory locks, drumkey, moongels, earplugs,... Sometimes the most important thing that you need to bring along is on the lower left side: toilet-paper. I never ever want to go to a backstage/club-toilet where there is no toilet-paper.

I have a small Vic Firth stick bag which i mount to the snare drum and hold 4 - 5 pairs of sticks (all 5B's). Also has room for a drum key and in another pocket i have an extra drum key.

In my previous stick bag i also had 2 hi-hat clutches, spare felts for cymbals and a permanent marker. Now i keep those in my cymbal bag in small satchel together with my earplugs.
I use to carry a bag full of crap (have two bags full actually). By the time I quit gigging I had a key in my pocket-no bag. I always brought two sets of sticks, and brushes or mallets only if I needed them. I brought some tape-which I can use to hold stands, or tone down a cymbal, or tone down a tom. And I'd bring any charts I had written for complicated stuff. That's about it. Less stuff to carry the better.