I was reading a drum rewrapping thread, and while
@caddywumpus had rewrapped drums before, he basically said, "I'm done wrapping drums." And man, do I get it! I am too. I've done a kit and a couple of snares, and that's it for me.
This started me thinking...what else am I "done" with when it comes to drums, playing music, etc.? Here are a few that I've been thinking about for a long.
My "done" and "over it" list:
1. Wrapping or refinishing drums (already mentioned but worth repeating).
2. Home recording by myself. I've learned to dislike this process. If I'm going to record, I'm going to worry about drums and that's it, and they will be set up at someone else's place with someone else's mics. I'm happy using the house kit too if there is one.
3. Mixing demos and projects. (I know this is a part of #2, but it's worth emphasizing).
4. Putting up with band members with substance issues.
5. Owning crummy gear or gear that "works ok." I play what I want or I don't play (exceptions will sometimes happen due to backline obligations).
How about you? What are you "done" with?