Blk Diamond
Senior Member
I think instead of of the old smoking section there should be a flash photograph/phone/talking section away from the attentive audience. So the annoying folks can be annoying to each other and leave the “well behaved” to enjoy the show.
I can see it now.
It could be fashioned to resemble an old McDonald's playground area, or a Chuck E. Cheese type of environment. A good (and hopefully safe?) environment where one could drop off those members of the group that are "dragged to" the concert/performance. Or, the ones who are only there because they don't want to miss out on ANY gathering their social group attends, regardless of their own personal interest in it.
Plenty of non-stop cell phone usage, worry over who's getting the next/never ending round of drinks, and non-stop chatter is not only welcomed, but highly encouraged in this "fun zone".
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