Tony Allen

Talented people need techniques and equipment though, just like us mortals.
Just noticed Tony uses the butt end of the stick to hit those toms ...
Yep, but what they don't need is a mess of post production to clean up their sound. That's what I mean by talent.
Missed the question mark off my reply!
I am infact a learner, and I still don't know what "wide open" means.
And associating Jennifer Lawrence with 'wide open' is wildly distracting 😰
Tuned higher than usual modern toms. Tuned for resonance, sustain, a wide range of harmonics.

This is an African aesthetic. Where the drums are melodic rather than just purely rhythmic. And this is where African music differs greatly from Jazz. Jazz having melody and harmony in the European instruments. African has melody in the drums.
this man 's music was hypnotic

just what the doc ordered