so headphones

The Big Beat

Senior Member
i seriously need some headphones for when i play with people. im talking about like those ones on stage the earbuds that go behind the back. I need them, i already have congenital hearing loss, its a genetic thing, and i need to protect my ears. does anyone know what im talking about.
i seriously need some headphones for when i play with people. im talking about like those ones on stage the earbuds that go behind the back. I need them, i already have congenital hearing loss, its a genetic thing, and i need to protect my ears. does anyone know what im talking about.

Skullcandy Full Metal Jacket
im actually looking for a professional sort of earbuds that sort out the noise and lower the dbs coming into my ear. Something so that i can hear everything, not just the drums
I think the ones you are speaking of are "in-ear monitors." Most of those are custom fitted to your ears and very expensive.
Shure makes some nice one...


Shure makes good ones but also there are a thousand other companies that make them as well.

You have to first know what your budget is and work from there. I just bought Westone UM2 which are great, $300 but great.

I'd just do some research online and look at online music stores to see what your looking for. One thing i learned from researching that most monitors are eq'd to help the musician hear the mix better (boost the lows, and some mids, etc.) I'd make sure that whatever your choice is in the end that it was designed for monitoring. There is no sense in buying something expensive if it was just made for the audiophile who just uses it for there iPod.
the Westone Um1s are around $109 which is a great deal.

Um2s are really for professional and it's at the point where it's so good where if you're listening to regular mp3 at 128 kbps it'll sound like crap.

I'm probably buying a pair for myself quite soon for the same use.
I have custom molded in-ears from Sensaphonics and they work extremely well. If you're looking for actual monitors to listen through, Shure makes some good "pro" earbuds from 100$ and up. However, a lot of people have problems keeping them in live, which is really really really bad if you play with a click. They come with a variety of tips, so just keep trying different ones until you find one that works. If you move around a lot while you play they will probably fall out though. I dunno, some people use them with no problems. I have freakishly weird ear canals that won't hold them, so I harbor a lot of agression toward them. :)

If you're just looking for earplugs to protect your hearing (excellent choice, by the way, not enough drummers do it) I know sensaphonics makes affordable generic-fit earplugs with a fancy hi-tech filter in them so things will still sound natural.

I don't know a lot about other companies, but I got my molded in-ears for about 375$. I have seen a lot of companies that offer self-molding kits that will save you money. Don't do it. Its dangerous, and stupid, and will probably result in molds that don't fit well.

Sorry for the long reply, I'm talkative, and bored. lol
If anyone has issues with their earbuds not staying in, switch your tips to Comply Foam ones. They make them for all different brands of earphones.

They are awesome. Really comfortable and soft and they make your earphone stay in place. I used to use the Shure foam ones but these are like night and day. A bit more pricey though.
i seriously need some headphones for when i play with people. im talking about like those ones on stage the earbuds that go behind the back. I need them, i already have congenital hearing loss, its a genetic thing, and i need to protect my ears. does anyone know what im talking about.

Do you already have an inner ear monitor rig you want to replace the buds on or are you looking for an inner ear stage monitoring system?

Make sure your bands mixer has enough auxiliary channels (monitor sends) to provide you with your own mix then make sure you use a purpose built inner ear monitoring system.

You said you wanted to protect your hearing from the typical on stage high SPL… Without the IEM system with built in limiting you it’s MUCH easier and MORE likely to damage your hearing as the speaker is now in your hearing canal so when a monitor send feeds back as they almost always do you will damage your hearing without a limiter!
i dont need one with a click or anything, i just need some monitors that i can hear everything else besides the drums i addition to hearing protection

Are you looking for an Inner ear monitor or something else?

What you put in your mix is up to you? You can have a click or not but you will likley want to add your drums in the mix. The biggest complaint I get is it detaches you from the crowd. You can set up a room mic to help with that.
With a decent system you don’t need protection on top of the IEM.

You can pick up a PSM 600 for about a little over a grand.