
Pioneer Member
k, so everytime i hit my small rack tom, it makes the snare wires buzz. how do you tune the small rack tom, or snare, so that doesnt happen?
Re: tuning drums so snare doesnt buzz

There's really not much you can do about it, I find. Because sound is made of of waves of vibration, you can't really stop it without stopping the sound. They vibrate because of the waves and if you set them so they can't vibrate, then they can't vibrate when you actually hit the snare drum. However, Puresound has designed a set of snares with a large gap in the middle that helps to calm the complimentary tones. I bought a set and it really helped the overall sound of my snare.
Re: tuning drums so snare doesnt buzz

you could always tape the snare wire, but then it would be a pain if you wanted to turn the snare off.
Re: tuning drums so snare doesnt buzz

rudy mcrudster, you make a good point about the vibrations and waves, ill have to look into those puresound wires

speedy, i have thought of taping the snares, but like you said then you wouldnt be able to let them down

i think the buzz might have to do with how tight the resonant head of the snare is, how tight the wires are, and how high tuned the tom is. i guess i just need to fool around with it a little bit.
Re: tuning drums so snare doesnt buzz

what I did and it seemed to work, is first i placed electrical tape on the snare batter head to stop some of the resonating and also what u can do is take the snares off on ur snare drum and see how similarly the tones are on the snare drum to the tom that is making it ring. This is usually the problem. Try tunin one higher or lower than the other so when u hit it its not makin the same resonating tone. That helped me. And if that doesnt work tune the bottom head of the snare drum tighter for less ring. Hope that helped!
Re: tuning drums so snare doesnt buzz

G-MaN91, the easiest thing to do is to hit each of the other drums one at a time, hard and soft, and figure out which one is causing the sympathetic vibrations. Then you can adjust the tuning of that one drum. Sometimes that's all it takes.

Another thing that sometimes works is to put a piece of tape or paper somewhere between the snare wires and the snare head. You'll have to experiment a bit with thickness and placement, but what you are trying to do is make it so that a stick striking the top head will cause the snares to rattle, but just a vibration in the kit won't be enough.

Also, try tuning the snare head down a bit and the top head up a bit to compensate and get you basically the same sound that you had; conversely, tuning the snare head up and the top head down might work, too. What this will do is cause the drum to vibrate less freely.

Some people also say that cable snares buzz less than wire snare, and also that a lighter weight snare head will buzz less than a stock head, but now we're talking money.

I hope this gives you something to work with.
Re: tuning drums so snare doesnt buzz

drummerboy898 and DogBreath, thanks a bunch for the multiple solutions for this problem. i am definatly going to try these out, and im confident at least one will work. ive been getting this buzz forever and could never figure out how to get it away. ill post back saying if i had any luck.
Re: tuning drums so snare doesnt buzz

You're welcome. I should add that I had the same problem and it was driving me crazy. I was ready to replace my top head anyway, and sure enough that took care of it for me.
Re: tuning drums so snare doesnt buzz

My snare doesn't buzz alot I found that the tension on my snare strings wasn't tight enough after I played around with it, though it became much more less noticeable.
Snare tuning, help!

I can't seem to get my snare tuning down. I really like that crack, pop, echo, piccolo sound. When I first bought my snare, it had that. When I started changing heads, especially my resonant head, I lost it. I tighten my snares really tight, as well as my bottom head. My batter head is a little looser. Am I doing this right. Please help me out. I would really appreciate it!

Chad Dulaney
Re: Snare tuning, help!

chadolen said:
I can't seem to get my snare tuning down. I really like that crack, pop, echo, piccolo sound. When I first bought my snare, it had that. When I started changing heads, especially my resonant head, I lost it. I tighten my snares really tight, as well as my bottom head. My batter head is a little looser. Am I doing this right. Please help me out. I would really appreciate it!

Chad Dulaney

Generally if I'm going for a tight snare sound with good response I do this:

Snare side head:

* Tune the head up evenly (without snares) until there's a pretty stable note (no flapping or buzzing) coming from the head.
* Install the snares
* Start tensioning the head *ignoring* the four lugs around the snare bed. Take the tension up until the head yields a nice high sound without any ugly overtones, rattling or choked sounds from the snares. The tighter the snare head goes the tighter you will need to make the snares to avoid buzzing - leaving those lugs loose lets you get the snares to dig into the head a bit easier without tightening the snare strainer up so much that you choke the drum.

Batter side:

* Nothing special - start by finger-tensioning each lug until each can go no further, sit the drum on the floor and try to get an even pitch at each lug. Tune in a star pattern (probably printed on the box for your heads if you buy Evans) around the lugs to make sure you don't stretch the head out in an uneven way.
* Keep tightening the drum up until I get the desired pitch.

After that...

* Adjust the snare strainer. Start with it totally slack and tighten it up while playing ghost strokes on the drum. Once the snares stop are "tight" with the sound without choking it then I stop.
* Add muffling to taste if required. I usually don't do this, I'd rather buy an expensive snare and not muffle it :)
Re: Snare tuning, help!

chadolen said:
I really like that crack, pop, echo, piccolo sound.

Itighten my snares really tight, as well as my bottom head. My batter head is a little looser.
Well, thac crack and pop cames from the bottom head ;) it should be tuned higher than batter head
Re: Snare tuning, help!

just have no advise, but can throw in some:

Many drummers tighten the bottom head very high: Dennis Chambers, Danny Gottlieb, Dave Weckl

Some drummers loosen very low the bottom head: Thomas Lang, Josh Freese, John Blackwell, JoJo Mayer

Some drummers loosen the four lugs near the strings on the bottom head one turn...

Some drummers take away some lugs completely like Larrie Londin (greatest Sound on Snare ever with Elvis) and dampen a lot

I have good new experience with Remo Weatherking Powerstroke 3 coated for batter head: great Sound and absolutely no dampening needed.

Re: Snare tuning, help!

my snare tuning is:
i crank both heads up high. no muffling. i have a 42 strand snare wire on the bottom head which i keep reasonably tight...just to where it barks but doesn't growl afterwards.
i use an aquarian high energy head on top. not too concerned with the make of the reso so long as it is thin and bright. generally on toms i tune the reso a little higher than the batter but on my snare i crank 'em both as high as i dare go. this is because i noticed that most live snares sound too low. but when you sit behind them they sound alright especially when played by themselves with out the band. so i got my roady a long time a go to hit it during sound check while i stood out front and then ran back and firth until i found the fron and back sound that suited me. my snare cracks through and rings but has a fat wire sound too.

Re: Snare tuning, help!

Due to Nutha talking all about the 42 strand snares I immediately purchased a couple of sets. They.Sound.Awesome!!

I also have the snare side pretty tight and always have the snares snug.
Tuning the snare drum...

Hey all. This is my first post. Here's my problem. I have a really high tuned snare drum (think Travis Barker). I want to tune it down to make it warm and fat. But everytime I try its gets an ugly high ringing. Any suggestions on how you tune your snare drums are greatly appreciated.

BTW- The snare is a Yamaha Stage Custom Nouveau. I have a Remo Emperor on the batter side and a stock head on the snare side.
Re: Tuning the snare drum...

For your problem I might try a different head. Maybe a coated power stroke 3 or Emperor X. But for tuning. If you tune both sides tight I would recommend that you remove some the tension from the bottom.
Re: Tuning the snare drum...

hey this is my first post to but i think i can help. if you had your snare tuned up that high chances are your batter is streched out and shot. i would replace the batter for shure emperer coated is a good choice. if you can also replace the side with a remo hazy. the sound you want probably calls for medium tention or a tad less on top head. so start with both heads at med tention then tighten or loosen the side only until you reach desired sound. remember a little ring adds a lot of charicter so put away the duct tape. hey i hope this helps.