Local Boob
This is crazy, but Son of Vistalite Black does believe that awards -- particularly the Oscars -- signify qualify. Here are some timeless, broadly enjoyed movies that have won Best Picture: "The Godfather," "Rocky," "Schindler's List" and "The Sound of freakin' Music."
The Rottentomatoes audience score is not a "sales rating." It's the averaged rating ticket buyers award to a movie they've watched. There's also a less important average for each movie based on critic's ratings.
Please suggest some evidence that "the public" believed or believes that the Farmer's Insurance Guy throwing cymbals at someone's head was historical rather than fictional. C'mon now.
Farmers Insurance Guy....awesome
I have evidence, but just not recorded because it was during conversations at instrument fitting nights that I do for my beginning bands. Multiple sets of parents referencing that movie in many different ways. Some could see through it, some thought that that was what was going to happen to their students in band at any level.