Faced with similar situations in the past - (and I'm only spit-balling here - because I don't know what material you're dealing with, and you are I'm sure well aware of exactly what you are dealing with) But given that, so only speaking in general terms, I can only suggest... when confronted with doing something that can't be done, embrace doing something different that will. In this case, re-approaching those songs that won't work played in this environment in a way that will. I mean it won't be the normal "proper feel' - it may have to be the best feel that can function in this environment. I mean the song is the song.... and can likely be stripped down to a vocal, one chord instrument and playing on a box with your hands in order to convey its most basic essence. So then from there, it's just figuring out what more you can add than that,Unfortunately, most of the band's songs don't lend themselves to brushes. I actually had thought about that beforehand, whether I could get away with just a kick (lamb's wool beater of course!) and snare and wire brushes, but I knew that most of the songs would suffer. Maybe even worse than they already did last night.
I actually requested deleting a few songs from the second set, because I knew they wouldn't work at all without a proper feel.
Though I'm sure you probably get this - the idea that sometimes it can't be done.... no more than you can ask a trumpet player to play above the staff pp - or a flute to play their low D fff.... you can ask, but it ain't gonna happen. Another solution - a different musical solution must be found.
And I have no doubt that whatever compromised approach you devise will be just great.