Not sure how to feel...

Thanks for the replies everyone. Interestingly enough I just received a Slack message from the band leader that He plans on recording a new album in June and expects us each to pitch in $1400 for the recording and then give us albums to sell ourselves. Major red flag here for me. he already had the material written and has been dictating how he wants the drum parts played. I'm out.
Getting out sounds like a good plan!
I don't like it, and wouldn't be happy with that situation. Wise to get out, even before "Please pay to record my music that you will help me sell".
Wrong, disespectful, rude and overall, completely unacceptable. I wouldn't have anything to do with them ever again. How would the singer feel if during an instrumental part, some nobody just got on stage and sang the rest of the song? There's no difference in my opinion. Some people are so scummy and incosiderate, it's beyond belief.
I’d start strumming on the other instruments but first I’d tell drummer that the kit is yours and you didn’t ask to use them. If apologetic then good but if not I’d jerk his ass off my kit and start loading my gear.
I hide the sticks and stool because when you're drunk you turn into Keith Moon and there's been occasions where people have been very stupid. It's just rude and disrespectful.

In this instance there would have been someone physically removed from behind the kit and off the stage. It's a massive no go for any drummer who cares about their gear and keeping it ship shape and Bristol fashion.

My lads know not to even go there and vice versa!
I just received a Slack message from the band leader that He plans on recording a new album in June and expects us each to pitch in $1400 for the recording and then give us albums to sell ourselves. Major red flag here for me. he already had the material written and has been dictating how he wants the drum parts played. I'm out.
My reply would end in the word off.

Sounds like he loves himself a bit. Who buys albums in enough quantities to claw back $1400 per band member? I'm guessing on CD too which is an obsolete format!
Thanks for the replies everyone. Interestingly enough I just received a Slack message from the band leader that He plans on recording a new album in June and expects us each to pitch in $1400 for the recording and then give us albums to sell ourselves. Major red flag here for me. he already had the material written and has been dictating how he wants the drum parts played. I'm out.

If these things are happening already for a band you’ve only just joined that’s setting the tone on how the rest of your tenure will go.

Personally I’d also get out now, sounds like it’ll save you a lot of hassle and your making the right choice.

Also, if someone jumped on my kit at a gig of my band without anyone asking me first if it’s ok there is no chance they would finish the song, I can tell you that 😂
At a gig with a new band I just joined this weekend I got up from my kit briefly while the singer/guitarist was doing a solo bit. Then, a drummer that the band knows from the past got behind my kit and just started jamming with the band. I have never even met this guy before. Not sure if this was rude or not even thought my instinct tells me that it is. Thoughts?

Don't walk:

Thanks for the replies everyone. Interestingly enough I just received a Slack message from the band leader that He plans on recording a new album in June and expects us each to pitch in $1400 for the recording and then give us albums to sell ourselves. Major red flag here for me. he already had the material written and has been dictating how he wants the drum parts played. I'm out.

Good for you!
Don’t look back!!!
Forrest Gump Reaction GIF
I certainly agree with the feedback. Thank you. I think I was just on the fence due to the crappy scene around here and difficulty finding a band. This just isn't worth the headache though.

yep...and the right band will come along...but you might miss that opportunity if you are committed to a crappy band just to say that you are in one, so embrace the free time and build some chops!!!!
I woulda Will Smith'd his ass for sure. Sit down at my kit without asking??? You might as well be trying to steal my car or my woman!! I'll knock your ass out. And if your
"bandmates" knew about it, F them too. That's BS.
Thanks for the replies everyone. Interestingly enough I just received a Slack message from the band leader that He plans on recording a new album in June and expects us each to pitch in $1400 for the recording and then give us albums to sell ourselves. Major red flag here for me. he already had the material written and has been dictating how he wants the drum parts played. I'm out.
