Lars Ulrich

I use to have a job like that, one that allowed me to stay on forums all day while waiting for someone to ask me a question, present a problem to solve or have me evaluate something for payment.

Now my job is drumming. And a 4th band has asked me about drumming with them.
Living the dream (your dream not mine) I wanted to drum for a living (when I was 12) now I don't mind my job (I will however need to move up because I need to make more $$ in order to be able to completely retire in the next 10 years (at which point I will be 63) and still have an income that allows me to maintain my current lifestyle. Sacrifice a little now and reap the rewards later.

If I had decided to make drumming my career, I would be a working drummer for sure, but I would not be able to retire as early, and drums would not be as fun as they are now..
I'll be 63 some day, maybe.
All we have is time...and nothing else matters.

I didn't drum until 26, then quit for 15 years to work and earn. I regret not drumming all that time.
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All we have is time...and nothing else matters.
I used to think that up until recently when I started working with the old folks (my wife's company) and I got to see how a lot of them wasted their best years and now it's too late, I don't want to be on that same boat. (I don't like to go to school and specially don't like to take tests but if that is what I need to do in order to get to get to where I need to be then so be it).

I will try to retire while I still have the physical strength to ride motorcycles, hike the ruins of Machu Pichu, and swim in some of the world's coolest ocean sites . I don't want to be using a walker and needing oxygen in order to get places before I get to do those things, and I want to do those things without having to worry about how much I need to spend in order to do them. Giving that I have no children, nobody is going to inherit my things when I die so I am spending and enjoying MY retirement.
Not everybody gets to be Lars, or Elvis or even Mr Whitten and Clive Bunker.

Those reasons you listed are some of the reasons for no longer working for the man. Work is always available if it's wanted.
This also isn't me living a dream. Those aren't my words. I get to study those drummers that are more or less capable.
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Not everybody gets to be Lars, or Elvis or even Mr Whitten and Cluve Bunker.

Those reasons you listed are some of the reasons for no longer working for the man. Work is always available if it's wanted.
This also isn't me living a dream. Those aren't my words. I get to study those drummers that are more or less capable.
I don't need to not be working for the man to be able to do those things, as a matter of fact I have been to over 30 countries already and around the world twice, I just want to be able to do those things without time restrictions.

As far as wanting to be somebody or like somebody, I have never had that desire hence why I never really idolized anybody, I take whatever pieces I like and then incorporate those into my playing but I don't want to sound like certain drummer I want to sound like me.
I don't envy anybody because I believe that we follow certain life path for a reason and what is happening is mostly meant to happen. Of course you can choose how most things in your life go by putting yourself where you want to be (putting the work/acquiring the connections).
Well the message coming thru still sounds pinned with frustration. The perspective came to me after about a month of not humping for the man.

I'm much better off not waiting until 63. Hate to think about all that time wasted.

There aren't drummers that I worship. Not sure why that is even introduced. /shugs
Well the message coming thru still sounds pinned with frustration. The perspective came to me after about a month of not humping for the man.

I'm much better off not waiting until 63. Hate to think about all that time wasted.

There aren't drummers that I worship. Not sure why that is even introduced. /shugs
You said you study drummers.

I have a very cushy job and it only is going to be better, my wife has her own company as well so I might start my own, so not really working for the man.
But my working for the man is not bad at all, If I have to do 10 more years I am not really wasting any time or sacrificing anything. In the end the rewards are much better than if I was a "working musician" Which I am positive I can become right away if I wanted it.
If you find happiness doing what you do, great, just don't be condescending when others don't find your way of living agreeable to theirs.
I am not frustrated at all and you having to make those comments sounds like you are projecting...
Lars has influenced thousands or more drummers. Theirs only so many who get to.

You said you study drummers.

Point? Not something I denied.
So do you.

You said you only reply to threads about Lars and I pointed out the 2 threads in about a month you started.
I study drummers. The extreme majority are unknowns on YT doing covers WE,"we" as a band want to learn.
You describe techniques by a specific name of the technique which other drummers have named. So you study them. My CHOICE of study hasn't been much personal drumming developement. It's been learning covers. Learning to sing.

It's ok to acknowledge that only a select few get top level acknowledgement for naming techniques: Purdie, Porcaro, Bonham, Portnoy, etc..

I have a very cushy job and it only is going to be better, my wife has her own company as well so I might start my own, so not really working for the man.

That changes something? I guess it makes the sacrifice worth it. I don't doubt that it's a cushy job. I understand 'the new America'.
Heck, sounds like you have the choice wherein you could be drumming at the times you're on here?
It's not worth it to me to hump for the man. By a lot...not getting fooled again to toil for the unknown anymore (not knowing how much time we have left) than required for my musical happiness.

But my working for the man is not bad at all, If I have to do 10 more years I am not really wasting any time or sacrificing anything.

Lol. If offered the job of drumming for the same pay and benefits is something that you'd do then you are definitely sacrificing and likely wasting some amount of time. If you denominated it into currency, well, that's your choice. Your currency value doesn't equate to mine, so that's the 1st rule.

Some people just aren't as motivated for the craft and that's ok. Some are obviously motivated by competition more than love for the craft. That's not as ok, but I get it. It's motivated me and still does in degrees of some value.
Consumerism is most people's norm. They'll sacrifice love for money.

Repeats; time is the most valuable thing we have to spend. ain't getting as much of mine.

In the end the rewards are much better than if I was a "working musician" Which I am positive I can become right away if I wanted it.
If you find happiness doing what you do, great, just don't be condescending when others don't find your way of living agreeable to theirs.
I am not frustrated at all and you having to make those comments sounds like you are projecting...

Lol, for you it's worth more. That's only your opinion because of innate motivations which aren't universal.

And some people aren't made for this. They're sacrificing time for currency, don't have emotional maturity or ability to peacefully collaborate or allow someone to even be right.
In regards to drumming as a pro or an aspiring pro or performing or anything, it's a projection to tell other people what their enjoyment level is, what their frustration level is, what their servitude is. So let's just cut out this exercise of projection and mirrors pointed back for reflection. You don't know, you can't know, what my sacrifices or successes are like. I however have worked for the man. A lot. I'm not 63 or 65.
Most people are like me in that they only have a polite tolerance of listening to other people's philosophies, opinions. Everybody has those.
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Most people are like me in that they only have a polite tolerance of listening to other people's philosophies, opinions. Everybody has those.
Yet you insist that working for the man is something to be shunned.. it may be for you, for me it's ok, I have no issues and never had. I would not be happy being a full time drummer making the same money I make doing what I do now. Drumming is something I do for fun not for a living.
You chose to drum for a living, I am glad you are able to do that and make ends meet. That is not what I am interested in. I repeat
don't be condescending when others don't find your way of living agreeable to theirs.
This is all said in the spirit of cohesiveness.
Yet you insist that working for the man is something to be shunned.. it may be for you, for me it's ok, I have no issues and never had.

I won't begrudge you your opinion for yourself. If I do, remind me. You're getting my point now. But you aren't so accepting that my opinion and valuations (and by default, YOURS) are subjective to the person holding them.

I would not be happy being a full time drummer making the same money I make doing what I do now. Drumming is something I do for fun not for a living.
You chose to drum for a living, I am glad you are able to do that and make ends meet. That is not what I am interested in. I repeat
don't be condescending when others don't find your way of living agreeable to theirs.

Finally, yes! Except you have to reciprocate. You can't do the thing that you perceive others are doing. Because when you tell others what their experience/enjoyment is (especially when you haven't done it) while comparing your opinions as the better choice for them, that's judgement on a person. Most everybody has been employed by someone who is called a superior.
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This is all said in the spirit of cohesiveness.

I won't begrudge you your opinion for yourself. If I do, remind me. You're getting my point now. But you aren't so accepting that my opinion and valuations (and by default, YOURS) are subjective to the person holding them.

Finally, yes! Except you have to reciprocate. You can't do the thing that you perceive others are doing. Because when you tell others what their experience/enjoyment is (especially when you haven't done it) while comparing your opinions as the better choice for them, that's judgement on a person. Most everybody has been employed by someone who is called a superior.
Nobody is criticizing your choice of being a working musician I am not sure where you are getting that from.

I don't need to reciprocate because I never said you were wrong for wanting to live your life as you do.
You are the one that keeps stating that working for the man is something akin to evil. That is your opinion and not mine.
It is fine if you perceive a normal job as "working for the man" then that is you, to me it is just a job and it just so happens to be very relaxed and easy so I have no complaints (my experience not yours of course).
Now since you seem to have an issue with anyone being called your superior then call them something else.
It doesn't matter if you work for "the man" or are self employed, someone is always going to be calling the shots and that is not always going to be you. You either have a boss or you have a client (or in your case maybe a band leader) who also has to work for a client [the venue that hired the band] so no matter what, you will have someone somewhere dictating something to you. Can't escape it. Better if you put yourself in a position where you have more say than not and that is the best you can hope for.
Nobody is criticizing your choice of being a working musician I am not sure where you are getting that from

Ok, absolutely and will extend my hand and the same word as bond going forward that we will look forward to all positive interactions. /handshake. :)

I don't need to reciprocate because I never said you were wrong for wanting to live your life as you do.
Everybody has to operate in the spirit of grace and respect or mods get involved.

You are the one that keeps stating that working for the man is something akin to evil. That is your opinion and not mine.

Now, look at that above. Again you're using words like "evil" to erroneously attribute to my statements. Things I've never said. It's simply not attractive is the extent of my statement.

As said, I don't begrudge your choice for you. I've been in similar positions. My opinion and my perspective is solely mine and speaks for nobody else. I used to be a workaday guy. Now my experience is working at being a pro musician.

My previous career gave me a rare knowledge (that I still possess) that I worked hard to acquire. It STILL offers a somewhat easy path to double my last employed salary if I wanted to restart under my own name.

Now since you seem to have an issue with anyone being called your superior then call them something else.

You've misunderstood the point. At work, I knew my place. My success was because of acknowledging my superior's authority, knowing their expectations and then performing at the top level. I didn't set out to be the best and didn't get fully accustomed to being held up as the example while offering ALL of my expertise to less knowledgeable people. Confidence came from the experience of knowing that nobody outworked me. Not at that career, they didn't, so everything I knew was available to anyone asking--unless they were lazy. I found something that clicked after many things didn't agree with me. My superiors recruited me. But when 1 tried to own me, eff off. There were more than 1 like that. When a band leader tried to own me, eff off.

At venues, when you can perform, venues want you back. They're grateful and seek you. My main band leader is in charge of all the music and venues. It's her project and I have zero issues with that, saying it publicly. My energy is behind her until it isn't. If it doesn't pay/perform well enough, then I'm moving on.

I could, but choose not to work for the man anymore in workaday land. Though learning to weld, lay brick and block, do drywall, get insider priced concrete work done cheap has always been attractive to me.
At one point in life he inspired me. I was younger, we all need inspiration no matter where that comes from.