How far is your commute to practice?

I've had round trip commutes anywhere from 20 minutes up to almost 2 hours, currently my round trip commute is about 45-50 minutes. I hate driving to practice, especially after a long stressful work day but I hate having people in my house even more lol.
Currently 12 minutes. I've been in bands where it was around 45 mins.
If the band were good and fun enough and I had the time, I would go up to one hour, but thats my limit
One band's rehearsal is 27 miles away, but we almost never practice. Another band is 35 mi away and we rarely practice. I've worked with Rip Masters for over 42 years, and I can't recall the last time we practiced, maybe a dozen years ago for a special project? Too bad, he's only 3 mi away.

So while 27 and 35mi each way might seem like a long distance, it's L.A. and driving an hour or more is standard here.
2 mn...and it's because I have my back with my accident...otherwise it would be 20 seconds...The practice place is in my basement!! What a real treat to have that and to not have to move my gear once a week!!

Band didn't go anywhere after the first jam.

Too much life going on and the commute really sucked.

Still looking for the golden unicorn of a band that wants a extraordinarily mediocre time keeper, that has paid gigs, and no BS.
Mediocre time keeping... paid gigs .. no bs... In my neck of the woods those can only be found in a classic rock cover band. And even then, my area is looking at maybe two month's worth of annual gigs (during motorcycle events).
45 each way which is why:

A] I don't really hate to practice at this point since we really only get 1.5hrs because of neighbors. Plus they aren't all that productive. We're an original band so I can do much better work on my own.

B] we don't practice that often.
We use a couple of studios but both are around 15-20mins drive, which is nice.
I'm blessed enough to have built a studio in my backyard and have everything everyone would need for practice so all they have to bring is a guitar/bass. That made it attractive enough to where I host all the practices. The longest drive anyone has to get here now is about 40 minutes in traffic, and about 30 if there is none.
Currently it's about 30 miles, maybe?
I own a practicable space 15 minutes away that was used in the past by my band and could host here at the house but would rather not.
Yea, the funny thing about it all is that I finished my basement and have ample room to play. None of them are interested in playing at my place.

I'm not really interested to pursue music much anymore at my time in life. Too much headache for very little reward.
An old guitar player friend of mine is starting a new band of top tier players and is giving me the opportunity to take the reins on drums.

I jammed with them last Wednesday and everything was pretty tight. Everyone did their homework before the jam and muscled out a dozen or so songs.

The problem is, I'm the farthest away from their spot, at about an hour each way. They are all under 40 minutes.

The plan for this project is to start booking gigs that are not the 100/person bar gig. Hopefully more money, bigger gigs, weddings, corporate events, etc.

They only want to play once a month out or every other month, hut the commute for me is still the concern to see if the gig money will offset the cost to commute.

I plan to do a couple practices to see how the commute effects me, last week half the town that they play in was flooded so it took me 1.5 hours to get there, so that's a bad start.

What is your typical commute to practice and does it feel worth it?
Build your own studio..
Yea, the funny thing about it all is that I finished my basement and have ample room to play. None of them are interested in playing at my place.

I'm not really interested to pursue music much anymore at my time in life. Too much headache for very little reward.
Ive done large shows and pubs and clubs but at the end of the day i want paying..if im not getting paid i want a great time..i love practising and trying new things out.