Yamaha Rider
Platinum Member
50 to 60!
It sounds like a soft train beat with brushes would work on that tune...
I once got told by a bassist who played in the only polka band in a 4 state radius, “There’s good money in playing music that musicians hate.” Sure enough, they had to turn down sweet gigs due to the demand. Once he said that, it became my motto.It's not the songs-it's the drums I hate. It's why I beat them. Naw I see playing the songs I really dislike as a challenge to my professional integrity and meeting the demands of any job (stiff upper lip and all that)-so no matter I'd like to bludgeon whoever wrote the song I do my best. "Every rose has a thorn" or whatever the freaking title just makes me want to puke-and it's slow so the pain last longer. I see like exercise-I wake thinking oh heck no not today but I trek on walking, lifting some light weights, my Harry Wong exercises (I wonder if Corey is related?), etc. rise to the challenge. I always feel better when I do.
“There’s good money in playing music that musicians hate.”
Just don't say it around the one who signs the checks.Remind yourself “ Few people get the chance to make music. I’m grateful for the privilege. “
Yep, that's wut it is for sure.This interp. is on the side of bluegrass-ish-ness and really has the upright bass/mandolin dealing with the pulsing that we usually associate with drums....no holes there.