Gretsch renown or DW Frequent Flyer


New Member

I was looking for a Gretsch Renown but i have an opportunity to buy a DW Frequent flyer kit.
Do you have any advice if the DW is good kit as the renown ?
thank you !
The FF is much lighter, with smaller, shallow drums, but still highly regarded amongst compact gigging kits. The Renown is a serious, solid, professional kit.
I’ve never compared the sound side by side though.
Which renowns are you comparing to? Regardless, the Renowns are a completely different animal from the DW. Are you looking for a small kit, or just a new kit?

Haven't played a FF, but I love my Renowns. Both should be of an equal quality.
I already have a Tama rock star kit which sounds good.
But i'm looking for an alternative smaller kit.
I was looking for the grestch renown jazz size but this FF came to me...
If you want compactness for the stage or a small room, the FF is the way to go. The depth of the kick takes up the most space on the floor.

If it's to fit in a car better, the FF may win there, though an 18 might fit a little better, the 14x14 will take more space than the DW's 14x11 in one direction, while the 20 would be harder to fit due to width. Depends on the car though.

For a low and tight set up, the rack tom will sit lower on the Renown's 18, but at that point it could be too low.

If you want it just for a different flavor, I would suggest the Renowns. I haven't played a DW I loved personally, but every Renown kit I've played had some magic in them. That is all personal preference of course. In a band situation any subtle differences will get lost in the mix.

Both kits are great options, and if the size differences aren't important, get the one that looks better ;)
The Renown wins every time here, I was tempted by the FF until I saw one and realised it's Asian made with a DW price tag and it looks a bit wanky for what you get (the DW performance series is the same price for a standard 5 piece set). The Renown is also Asian made but is far more reasonably priced and is in proper sizes and they sound amazing.

It's essentially a downbeat size kit minus the shell depths. Get a regular downbeat size kit, pretty sure Gretsch offer the Renown in 20/12/14.

Get the Renown, it's a kit for life. You'll end up flogging the Rockstar!
Gotta agree to this. Mine is rock solid. If I buy another kit, it will probably be a Renown in different sizes. I want a 24, but went with a 12/14/16/22.

That kit you've just got is stunning. If I was on the hunt for some new tubs I'd be really tempted by the new Renowns, they're doing everything right at the moment.
Thanks for all your feedback !
I think i'll a get a renown at the end...
Another vote for the Renown!

The Frequent Flyer kit is designed to be lightweight and smaller, so you are (slightly) sacrificing a full-sounding kit in favor of portability. It's a little on the expensive side as well, as all DW products are.

The Renown is a big boy kit and you'll want to banish your Rockstars to the closet after you play them. I owned a Tama Rockstar for almost 20 years but bought a Renown 2 years ago. The Renown is way way better.

You can also add more drums later, like a 22" bass drum, 10" rack and 16" floor tom, get a full shell bank for every situation.
But i'm looking for an alternative smaller kit.
I was looking for the grestch renown jazz size but this FF came to me...

The Renown has two smaller sizes available. Bop and Limited. You're probably looking at the Bop. Know that there are 20/22" limited editions that can be found that have a not-ridiculous bass drum depth.

If you're looking for a compact "Breakbeats" sized kit and do not care for the quality of Ludwig's offering, I'd take a look at Yamaha's SC in "hip" sizes.

I am biased against DW for USPTO abuses.
Gretsch. DO. IT.