OP here...
I did a terrible job communicating my frustration in my initial post. The above comment sums up my frustration.
EVERYONE thinks they can play drums by hitting things with sticks.
If a guitarist has figured out quarter notes on a BD, with 8ths on the HH, while hitting the snare on 2 & 4.... that does not make you a "drummer".
this...is the story of my life!!!!
so many of my younger students choose drums because: you just bang on things
so many of the parents of my younger students encourage their kids to do drums because: you just bang on things
so many non percussionist musicians look down on drums because: you just bang on things
then they experience "culture shock" once they have to dive in...
and often times, I think we as drummers don't help the stereotype when:
- we just bang on things
- or promote the "Animal" type image,
- or quantify being a great drummer as just mastering money beat to make money, and cut down or poo poo drummers who try to attain advanced skills
- or disqualify busy music as being non-musical
- or disqualify reading music
- we allow non percussionist musicians to make uninformed commentary about what we do, and then not defend it (this happens A LOT with me in my jazz/country cover band...the string jockeys often times make incorrect musical comments about my role/what I do, and I have to politely "readjust" their knowledge of what the drummer actually does. It also happens a lot of times when I work with choirs, or other groups who aren't used to having drummers play with them)
sometimes we shoot ourself in the foot without knowing it