Cheesy drumming

Funny link, Lutz :)

That's tough cheese he's playing, probably not great for sandwiches. But I keep wondering what would happen if it was Danny Carey playing ...
Lol @ Edam...

He's a weirdo though, I think. Not really my kind of drummer :p. And a shame about the lovely cheese :p.
Han Bennick. Nice! Haven't thought about him in a while. Thank you! Not sure what his right foot is doing on the snare sometimes though.
I know it's just a bit of fun but sorry I fail to see the point in this. It's not as if any of the cheeses have a different tone. They all sound the same! Also why cheese? He would have got the same effect from hitting anything! Lamb chops for example! I see the point of people making flutes out of carrots, etc. At least they achieve notes and melodies.

If however he was playing the cheese with chicken drumsticks.... now then I'd be interested ;)

I'll add that I didn't watch it all the way through but fill me in if something exciting like that did happen and I'll apologise and have a re-watch.

To add to 'make it simple' ...It could've been fetta. boom boom