Can DragonForce perform (properly) live?

I was just saying that the aren't a very good live band, technically speaking. Their singer is off pitch....

Even though Dream Theater is one of my all time fav. bands (seen them twice), LaBrie isn't exactly spot on either. watch any of their DVD's, he is definitely not the worlds best singer either....

Yeah, they have this technique used in "digital mastering" where notes are put in the place using quatisizing.

So I'm asking fellow drummerworld drummers, are DragonForce fakers or are they true?

I remember hearing that they recorded everything (or maybe just guitar/solos) and half tempo to get the pristine.
IMO thats actually not a bad idea. I mean if you write a complex guitar solo (or any other instrument's part for that matter) that is rather complex, in studio, given that you've haven't had much time to clean it up, that seems like a good way to save time/money. just my $0.02

Even though Dream Theater is one of my all time fav. bands (seen them twice), LaBrie isn't exactly spot on either. watch any of their DVD's, he is definitely not the worlds best singer either....

Agreed, and I'd probably go beyond "he isn't exactly spot on" and just say that he is mostly off as a live singer. That's why I personally am not a huge fan of DT. I have some of their records and I listen to them when I'm in the mood for that sort of music, but I probably wouldn't ever go see them live unless they were playing with some other band that I wanted to see.

No disrespect to you as a DT fan, and no disrespect to the band. I've followed them for years and I know they are passionate about their music and work really hard to give their fans what they want to hear.

I was merely advocating the devil in that DF, seeming could either: not care or just really not be that good live.

Cool man, I got ya. Cheers-