Came across this little beauty the other day...


Senior Member
... and had to pick it up.

I was in the shop picking up heads for my recently acquired 18" floor tom, and happened to be checking out several shakers to see if I could find one for the country gospel group I play in. Not liking any that I heard from any of the big name brands that were on display, the shop owner went to the back and returned with this beautifully constructed and sounding shaker. He told me they bought it used from someone awhile ago, and it's been sitting in the shop since then.

I've never heard of the brand before, Rohema Percussion, but a look at their website shows they're still in business. Their offerings seem to be newer models, which don't seem to be as well constructed as the one I bought, I may be wrong.

Anyway, it's a well constructed and lovely sounding shaker... now, to learn how to play it convincingly.


Has anyone heard of this brand before?
Rohema is a German family business with a tradition of 130 years. They specialize in drum sticks and small percussion.

130 years is quite the run.

I took a closer look at the company's website, and realize I misspoke earlier - even the new stuff looks really well constructed.

Found out the shaker I have is made of solid brass and bubinga ends. And it was only $40 CAD.

Not surprised they're still going.