After the gig


Silver Member
Last night after the gig was over and we packed out it was about 1:15 AM. Our bass payer has always wanted me to go to this "music store" his friend owns.....but it is only open from like 9:00 PM until 3:00 AM or something strange like that. So bass man says "let's go". It was close by and I am really not thinking anything about it other than it was late, I am tired, I worked all day and just finished a gig etc etc.

So we roll up and park in front. It is really a residence per is not in a business area nor is it a "store" as one might think. When I walk in........the first thing that hits you is the "vintage smell" of the place. I stopped and just took it in. Old amps, congas, about 300 old guitars: Les Paul, Fender, Dean, Gretsch and on and the back was a 1970 blue sparkle Ludwig 5 piece with a steel snare. The sound of the kick and toms was magical! (It is now 2:00 AM). Bass man says "let's jam on some songs". Our guitar player was with us and our keyboard/lead singer. We played many songs to a crowd of 3 others passing by and they came in. (It is now 3:00 AM). I bought a pair of Maracas, really cool.

Guitar boy leaves, crowd disperses, we thank our music store host. Bass man says "let's go to the bar around the corner". We go........loud rock n roll blasting, people slamming shots......we eat, have a brewski. I am finally in bed at 4:30 AM zzzzzzzzzzzz.

A "you had to be there moment".
When the day is done, and you want to ride on....Blue Sparkle Ludwigs!
I have had some very light nights after gigs. Sometimes having to work the next day.

Sadly, I'm getting too old for it now. When I return to gigging shortly, it's going to have to
be the restaurant 8 - 11 or 9 - 12 gigs, not the 10 - 2 bar gigs. With a band that can
pack and be on the road in 15, not 90.
Intresting, a music store in someones house? Now that's out there. Does he do a lot of business, or is it more of a collection that he'll sale and trade away as he sees fit?

At any rate, that sounds like an awesome post gig night! Ususally ours are filled with packing up, unloading back into the "Underpass" (the name we gave our jam room), then getting stupid and retarded till we can't stay awake. But one question, where do you live that bars are open till 4 in the morning? Where I live they all close at 2am and stop serving drinks around 1:30-1:45am. Then again, welcome to the flat lands of Kansas.... Sometimes I really hate this place.
Where I live they all close at 2am and stop serving drinks around 1:30-1:45am. Then again, welcome to the flat lands of Kansas.... Sometimes I really hate this place.

Travis - FWIW that's what the bulk of US towns and cities have as the normal closing time for clubs serving alcohol. I can't even think of any (live music) clubs here in Los Angeles that are any later in terms of serving drinks and general closing time.

Maybe the rave/DJ pop culture/dance clubs are different but I don't go to clubs where robots perform. ;)
