A word of encouragement

Congratulations Larryace! Very inspiring! I've had similar revelations over the past few years year that have caused me to change my practice habits. I struggled with tempo and timing for a long time, but practicing with a metronome made huge improvements to both my tempo and timing in a matter of weeks. I no longer wince (as much) when I hear recordings of my playing. I find that I need to practice with it consistently or the old habits return pretty quickly. In Future Sounds David Garibaldi refers to groove as "a machine-like consistency from beat to beat and from section to section within a tune". Please continue to share your discoveries with us!
Larry thanks for that, great story, encouraging. Your note will make me really start my metronome up now in a disciplined way.
LZ point about the moeller/groove. THis, to me, at this point in my drumming is a MAJOR REVALATION! Everyone should try to learn the moeller technique at least far enough to feel the iumpact it has on the feel of an 1/8th note groove.
I think all this 'groove' we speak of, it's just really good consistent -- and precise -- timekeeping.

I agree. To an extent. You can keep great time and not groove. It's giving that time a pulse... that's where the groove lives, in the pulse. But yes your time has to be consistent, so your pulse can be consistent.
Great post, Larry!

The day that I started to concentrate on groove and pocket instead of chops was like the first day of drumming all over again. I am obsessed with pocket and feel.. The things that make the most simple drum beat sound GOOD.

This might sound weird, but practicing to good hiphop really helped my grooviness. Here are some examples of the songs that helped shape part of my style..( and before you discredit me as some stupid kid that likes hiphop, check out this video me with my band: http://youtu.be/XveyTqsaMgo)

There are quite a few modern drummers out there that really control feel like a producer rather than a drummer.. Adam Deitch & Daru Jones are two that come to mind:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7QRj9Em4II - Deitch pushes / pulls feels all over in this video.. soo groovy.
http://youtu.be/H5hYLC4_F9w - Deitch and his band Lettuce at their best. Talk about POCKET.

And of course Daru Jones is just a whole different level of feel play:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyODPkTHRks - This video is not for everyone... Daru is a Detroit / Dilla style hiphop drummer that specializes in sluggin beats that push/pull against themselves.

All this music is the music that makes me want to stand up and dance. By myself or in front of strangers.. It's so good that it just makes me want to move, which is the most beautiful part of music.
Nice drumming gunar! Wow! You've got some stuff man! I like your band! You guys are on a high level!
Gunar, you and your band rip it up. What a great groove. Curious, what were you using for a snare in that vid?