A Drum Shop Database Thread

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I agree with Larry, let’s complicate this, first up I live in England, UK (the real one not the Noble and Cooley Xanadu) and over here there is no such thing as a geographic state, the queen won’t allow it.
The term you are reaching for is County. So the naming headers should run City/County/Country. British people will get confused if you ask them for information on their state. My current state is antagonistic.
Most states have counties also. In Arkansas where I live, there are 75. It goes city/county/state/country. Louisiana has parishes instead of counties to help convolute things more if that's helpful lol.

If you really wanna get crazy, each county has a "seat", a city that serves as the county's base of govt. Each city/town/village/etc. also has it's own govt. So each breakdown of land gets it's own govt breakdown also. Not sure how it works in the UK. It can get quite confusing and sticky here. But that's for another day.
If this is going to be done...it seems that we would have to organize them by state, right?

Otherwise people would have to read every post

I've volunteered to compile the submissions into a single post in its own thread. I guess they'd be in order by country, then state/province, then city.

Additions and updates would be made in that same thread, and once I update the top post, the other post/s would then be deleted.
The term you are reaching for is County. So the naming headers should run City/County/Country

I will rely on the people submitting stores to list them in the best way for that country. The list will be fluid and it won't be a problem to make changes/clarify as needed.
Most states have counties also. In Arkansas where I live, there are 75. It goes city/county/state/country. Louisiana has parishes instead of counties to help convolute things more if that's helpful lol.

If you really wanna get crazy, each county has a "seat", a city that serves as the county's base of govt. Each city/town/village/etc. also has it's own govt. So each breakdown of land gets it's own govt breakdown also. Not sure how it works in the UK. It can get quite confusing and sticky here. But that's for another day.

I doubt that there would be so many shops that it would be necessary/helpful to be broken-down by county. i understand that people traveling might find the list useful for their destination, but I don't expect them to know the county/parish names. City and state should be sufficient.

Hmmm, maybe the metro area would be helpful.

As I said elsewhere, there won't be so many listings that they can't be easily searched or managed.
What about listing them like this?

USA (in order by state, city)

Bentley's Drum Shop / Fresno, California / https://bentleysdrumshop.com
Guitar Center / Hollywood, California / https://stores.guitarcenter.com/ca/hollywood/110
Sam Ash Drum Shop / Hollywood, California / https://locations.samash.com/ca/los-angeles/95/
Professional Drum Shop / Hollywood, California / https://prodrumshop.com

Denver Percussion / Centennial, Colorado / https://www.denverpercussion.com
Rupp's Drums / Denver, Colorado / https://www.ruppsdrums.com
Drum City Guitarland / Wheat Ridge, Colorado / https://www.drumcityguitarland.com

Bill's Music / Catonsville, Maryland / https://www.billsmusic.com
Chuck Levin's Washington Music Center / Silver Spring, Maryland / https://chucklevins.com

Drum Center of Portsmouth / Portsmouth, New Hampshire / https://www.drumcenternh.com

2112 Percussion / Raleigh, North Carolina / https://www.2112percussion.com

Philadelphia Drum & Percussion / Philadelphia, Pennsylvania / https://www.phillydrum.com

Memphis Drum Shop / Memphis, Tennessee / https://memphisdrumshop.com

etc for each country

I was going to insert metro areas, but for many places, there really isn't a larger city nearby. So, Bentley's in Fresno is actually Fresno, kind of in the middle of nowhere. And Drumcenter of Portsmouth is an hour from Boston, but that's really not Boston metro. I think people will just have to look-up the city if they're not already familiar.

Again, I don't expect the list to be huge, so searching will be easy enough.
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That's cool Bermuda!

Maybe the most tech savvy amongst us could quickly arrange them alpabetically by state for USA, and the other appropriate way for other countries as they get added?

The only thing I originally had in mind was a reference tool (since not everyone likes to use Google) it should remain objective in nature: name- location - business number and web address if applicable.

(Please, no subjective star ratings or comments area about how the guy is a tosser or how they have the most amazing free cookies on Fridays).

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That's cool Bermuda!

Maybe the most tech savvy amongst us could quickly arrange them alpabetically by state for USA, and the other appropriate way for other countries?

The only thing I originally had in mind was a reference tool (since not everyone likes to use Google.)

Also it should remain objective in nature: name- location - business number and web address if applicable.

(Please, no subjective star ratings or comment area about how the owner is a tosser or they have the most amazing free cookies on Fridays. :) )

Thanks! They are actually arranged in state order, then city order. Again, I don't expect so many listings that they'd benefit from further sorting or arranging. If someone really feels the need to list the shops in order by name, they're on their own.

But as-is, a visitor to another state or province can easily go to the listings that are grouped together. And those (or the entire list) can be copied & pasted as text without any display aberrations.
Also, here's my feeling about listing the chain stores. I don't have an issue with Guitar Center, Sam Ash, or Long & McQuade. Per se...

My issue is that the stores are all quite different. Some locations in a given chain boast stellar drum departments, while other locations have only an obligatory space/nook, where you'd probably have trouble finding a set of heads. I do feel that the stellar stores need to be listed, but not the sub-par ones. That helps nobody. So I don't feel it's necessarily helpful to list all of the chain store locations.

It's not my intention to punish stores by omitting them, but rather to make a genuinely useful list for drummers seeking well-stocked shops.
I thought google maps allows customization for markers and such. If you have the DW drum shop enhancement, you would be able to look for the drummerworld marker in businesses and the local drum shops within your search area would show up.

Any business that exists can get themselves listed in google maps. All we would be doing is tagging them. Then, directions, distance, address and web site are all included because they are already in the map data.

There are personal labels allowed. Can we share the labels among others? If so, one person’s data can be added to each persons google maps app and everyone can easily see and search for drum shops worldwide.

edit: you can customize and share the drum store data in google maps

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What do people think of a form that can be filled out to add a drum store? That way all the information can be gathered and imputed into a database.
A couple of members have proposed a Google spreadsheet, will follow-up on it today.
I thought google maps allows customization for markers and such. If you have the DW drum shop enhancement, you would be able to look for the drummerworld marker in businesses and the local drum shops within your search area would show up.
So I went to Google Maps and searched "drum shop". It brought up probably 25-30 shops within 300 miles of my location. When I asked for the list to be rearranged by distance, my phone crashed.
So I went to Google Maps and searched "drum shop". It brought up probably 25-30 shops within 300 miles of my location.

Not to question Google, but are there really that many drum shops in such a small radius? In L.A., there are barely 25 Guitar Centers within 300 miles, let alone actual drum shops. In fact, I can name only three dedicated drum shops in all of southern California (five if I include the expanded departments in the Guitar Center and Sam Ash Hollywood locations.)

I think a member-curated/recommended list will serve the purpose better.
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Not to question Google, but are there really that many drum shops in such a small radius? In L.A., there are barely 25 Guitar Centers within 300 miles, let alone actual drum shops. In fact, I can name only three dedicated drum shops in all of southern California (five if I include the expanded departments in the Guitar Center and Sam Ash Hollywood locations.)

I think a member-curated/recommended list will serve the purpose better.
Oh I agree. It brought up 3 Guitar Centers, a few used music stores, and some mom and pop stores. Basically anything that had "drum" and "shop" in its description. It did also have Memphis Drum Shop and Lone Star Percussion. Regardless, it was way too broad and crashed during sorting.

After reading the post @beet put up, I was curious if Google Maps would do the work. It's way to general though.
Oh I agree. It brought up 3 Guitar Centers, a few used music stores, and some mom and pop stores. Basically anything that had "drum" and "shop" in its description. It did also have Memphis Drum Shop and Lone Star Percussion. Regardless, it was way too broad and crashed during sorting.

After reading the post @beet put up, I was curious if Google Maps would do the work. It's way to general though

IMHO, @beet has the strongest idea. As an example, Memphis Public Library System has a Google Map. Simply searching "public libraries in Memphis" would not produce this result, rather the map is custom created.
Not to question Google, but are there really that many drum shops in such a small radius? In L.A., there are barely 25 Guitar Centers within 300 miles, let alone actual drum shops. In fact, I can name only three dedicated drum shops in all of southern California (five if I include the expanded departments in the Guitar Center and Sam Ash Hollywood locations.)

I think a member-curated/recommended list will serve the purpose better.
Whichever way you like is fine. Google maps are convenient when I’m not in my home area. I may be out of state and by searching based on radius, I can discover a very good place that is close by.

Most drummers already know places that are close by their home. So then, the list isn’t that useful. If I’m driving on a long car trip, and I bring up the layer of drum shops, I may find I’m going by a recommend drum shop. I may not know it is close by the driving route based on the city name alone so the table version doesn’t help that much.
Oh I agree. It brought up 3 Guitar Centers, a few used music stores, and some mom and pop stores. Basically anything that had "drum" and "shop" in its description. It did also have Memphis Drum Shop and Lone Star Percussion. Regardless, it was way too broad and crashed during sorting.

After reading the post @beet put up, I was curious if Google Maps would do the work. It's way to general though.
Google maps by itself is too general. There are ways to tag just the good ones and then search for just those that Bermuda likes. Then, you may only see a few in your area. But, if you’re visiting a relative, you may see a good drum shop is near the airport of their town and then you may drop in. If you use google maps anyway because you don’t know the area, you can also find the “good” drum stores without much extra effort.
Here is a shared google custom map I made with three drum shops. Two red icons are locals. Black is chain guitar center. Click on the icon, click on the name at the bottom. Look at the info then click on the google maps option to get driving directions, etc.

This is an open internet link for anyone until I unshare it, which I will after people take a look.

edit: after you click on an icon, you may need to scroll up the map. It may depend on your screen size.

I used the web google maps to create it. You can’t create it using iPhone but anyone can view the finished map.

I thought the integration with google maps was better. It is kind of a standalone product but in the end I think it is pretty easy to find a local store near where you want.

Bermuda can create his own map and be the owner of the map and share it over the internet.

edit2: if you have the google app, you may need to go to ‘saved’, ‘maps’ and then select local drum. Opening it in the web may be easiest. Hold the link and open in a new tab and then see the map.

Chain stores can be put on a separate layer so the layer can be turned off if pure locals are wanted. Turn the layer on to see well-stocked chain stores.
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