
  1. T

    Floortom micing

    Im curious to know what is a better option to mic Floortoms Condenser or Dynamic mics?.
  2. S

    Factory Remo vs EVANS EQ3 & Center Mic'ing vs Ported Mic'ing

    Today, we tried a new reso head on my new DW Smoke Glass Contrails kit. I received this kit with a factory white semi ported remo head. Now, me personally, I am an EVANS drum head guy.. but I thought I would do a three point comparison. 1) Factory Semi Ported head with the mic set to center2)...
  3. S

    Flipping your RIMS mount to the bottom rim

    I have a 13" Drum which unfortunately I stopped recording with because it was a hassle to mic up! The drum was on my left and a standard mic mount doesn't hook to the RIMS... and I just didn't have the room to add another full stand just for that drum. So today I answered the question, can you...
  4. K

    A question of micing

    Evening all, I play in a duo consisting of guitar/vocals and me, drums. I play a Gulliana set up. I currently mic my kick drum if playing a larger gig or outside but am debating on expanding this without going crazy. I was thinking of adding another mic but wondering where would be best to...