Search results

  1. I-P

    What has DRUMMERWORLD taught you...

    I should put my phone down more often.
  2. I-P

    Anyone want to be a Bonham?

    No, he is dead. Wouldn't mind some of his skill on the drums however.
  3. I-P

    Drum machines have no soul?

    Apply the same question to any inanimate object. 🤔 ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ Drum Machine ? ... Just electronics and samples. Linn Drum songs from the 80's are pharking awesome however.
  4. I-P

    What are your ‘Pro tips’?

  5. I-P

    Cymbal Packs

    Okay, a quick look at DCP ... (I'd own these sets below; no issue what so ever). If you can reach the price point... The Sabian Stratus are a great set of cymbals for the applications/criteria you mentioned. Next...
  6. I-P

    Restoring a Pearl World Series partial kit

    Nice, nice nice. They are really good sounding drums with the right heads. Took me a little time to find the right head and tuning combo on mine, but when I did; out the front of house... HUGE Toms... Awesome!
  7. I-P

    What are the differences you notice between single and double chain pedals?

    I've got a near new set of DW 2000 Single chained, double pedals that I've never used. 🤔 Should bust them out to try and see if I notice a difference.
  8. I-P

    Post your Gig Pics

    Ooh! That looks pretty.
  9. I-P

    Coated Ambassadors - A Prodigal Son Returns Home

    Partly why I've just experimented with a light 2 ply head, (Evans HD Coated). Edit: I really don't give a schnit about brands. I like that I have choice. Thankful for all the produces of drum products.
  10. I-P

    Coated Ambassadors - A Prodigal Son Returns Home

    They're one of the BEST sounding snare drum heads. I love them on nearly any snare drum. You can let them sing; unmuffled... Or add some muffle and bam! What you want. I love to experiment with heads, so I'm always trying new heads for subtle sonic changes that float my boat. Every drummer...
  11. I-P

    What's your latest purchase?

    Love the Remo Coated Ambassador for my snare drum heads. I however, wanted to give a thinner, 2 ply head a try on my Ludwig Supraphonic LM402. After much deliberation I decided to use a Evans HD Coated head. (Inner 7.5 mil, with a 5 mil outer ply with a "floating" inner 2 mil inner control...
  12. I-P

    Help with cymbal ID :)

    Do you have a picture or is your written description all we get?
  13. I-P

    How do you play to a song you absolutely have no love for?

    Begrudgingly with a grimace.
  14. I-P

    Moving forward looking back...

    Getting old sucks doesn't it.
  15. I-P

    Throne Backrests

    Throne Backrests. Never used one. Are they helpful, good, great, awesome, or not? (Merlin5's recent acquirement has me Wonder if I could benefit from the back assist...)
  16. I-P

    How to fix a blemish on a stained drum?

    Grab any nut (not a peanut) and rub into the scratch. (Brazil nuts work great)
  17. I-P

    show off your snare

    Love's Drum Co. Steel Snare Drum
  18. I-P

    Post your Gig Pics

    Party gig a few years ago.
  19. I-P

    Shure 215 in-ears, am I missing something?

    I have this booster thing that may or may not be helpful to you. (To be honest I rarely use these as the isolation from the drums and band is useless. Like wearing Zero protection )