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  1. krautfox

    Nylon tips for jazz... thoughts ?

    Hey everyone, Here's a subject that seems pretty taboo : using nylon tips in a jazz setting. All of my jazz drummer friends only swear by wooden tips and scream blasphemy if anyone even mentions nylon tips. I actually find them pretty interesting, especially with jazz cymbals that are...
  2. krautfox

    Double-ply heads for jazz : thoughts ?

    Hey everyone, I've been playing around with different jazz tunings using different head and hardware combinations. So far, I've tried coated 10 mm single-ply on batter with clear 10 mm single-ply on the reso, coated signle-ply on both, calfskin imitation on top, coated/clear on bottom, and...
  3. krautfox

    One stick to rule them all !

    Hi everyone ! Brand new member here, and let me present myself by saying that I'm a bit of a drumstick geek, ie. been trying to find the perfect pair for years now... And I basically have one question for all of you out there : do you prefer to have one stick for everything; or several sticks...