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  1. S

    What are you listening to right now?

    The Beat Farmers!?! What?? Why had I never heard these guys before today? Sort of a cross between CCR and Jimmy Buffet with a little BR549 mixed in for good measure. Awesome!! Thanks, @Elvis, this made my day!
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    What are you listening to right now?

    It's 12:34 here in my neck of the woods and I'm wide awake. Climbed into bed about 90 minutes ago and just about dozed off when all of a sudden my legs "wanted to go." Mrs Smoke was quietly reading, rolled over and asked, "Did you check the mail today?" "Hmmm. No. It was raining off and on...
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    Cymbal spots

    I agree with @bongoman. Military brass accouterments all had a very thin lacquer coating - all our brass stayed nice and shiny and only needed an occasional wipe with a soft cloth. Sadly, (fiendishly?) the drill sergeants knew this and required us to polish off all the lacquer, which resulted...
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    What are you listening to right now?

    I was cleaning up the kitchen and brain radio stumbled on Hank Marvin and The Shadows!! Here's a couple versions of him doing Apache. 1960 2003
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    World's Fastest Drummer 2012 Daniel Rice

    I guess if break dancing can be an Olympic sport, why not stick tapping? Plus, somebody has to be the XXXXX-est at everything. If I'd have started 65 years ago with a single whack of a drum stick, and then whacked it again in 2024, I'd be the world's slowest drummer. I've got 2 month old...
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    All I can say is...

    That makes sense, and probably even overflows into our schools.
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    All I can say is...

    I get it, but it seems like too much has changed at such a rapid rate, and it seems to be a downhill spiral. It seems like folks don't want to work anymore. Or is it that there is no one left to work? What I don't get is the abundance of signs blaring "Help Wanted," "Now Hiring," and "Taking...
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    Musician's Friend Disappointment

    I totally understand, and offer no sympathy, but I'll allow any company a mistake - once. When poor service becomes pervasive, I'm out.
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    What are you listening to right now?

    Brain radio was mostly quiet when I got up - it couldn't quite settle on one of its original, unwritten, unrecorded "Smoke Tunes." So, while brain radio floundered, I decided to come here for inspiration. I listened to Icehouse ^^^^ and at the last note, brain radio snapped to Chick Corea's...
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    I'm getting fussy in my "old age". Just turned down a band offer.

    Me, overnight solo backpack camping: Pack up a 20 liter backpack with bare necessities (beer, beef jerky) Hike to car Drive to nearest Holiday Inn Express Hike to check-in desk Hike to room indicated by receptionist Set up camp Leave pack in room and hike to nearest restaurant No hot meals, I'm...
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    Added another Sabian Banner to my drum room

    Awesome, regardless of the brand names. Seems like I've seen music stores that were less well equipped.
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    Freshen air in the drums studio

    More of @dcriggers 20 questions. Is your main concern cooling you or freshening the air in your windowless studio? With limitations of 1) no water and 2) no windows and 3) no structure punctures, solutions are going to be limited. Fresher air in the studio can only be achieved with air...
  13. S

    What are you listening to right now?

    Woke up (well not really woke up, but got out of bed) while brain radio was playing Sir Paul an Michael's Say Say Say. And it's pretty much stuck there for the last couple of hours. Strange (not @Al Strange), I'd never seen the video until today. Neato!
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    I'm getting fussy in my "old age". Just turned down a band offer.

    Our basic repertoire as drummers can be as simple as knowing a good handful of rhythm beats and time signatures, e.g., train, shuffle, 4/4 backbeat, 3/4 waltz, etc. Sure, it takes a while to learn "the basics," but like you said, armed with that depth of knowledge most drummers can muscle...
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    All I can say is...

    Ask me in 50 years! Sadly, I probably don't have more than about 30 years left... I'll leave the answer to that question to the young folks; so, let us know how things turn out. ;) But. Act accordingly - and even more importantly - report your observations to your grown kids and grandkids.
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    Gilligan's Island Band

    Strangely (not @Al Strange), we've got a lot in common along with naked heads, grey beards, brain radio and drums. Somehow, I think we'd either get along famously or kill each other. Maybe we're brothers from different mothers across the great divide. Twins?!? Or maybe not. ;) Either way...
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    I'm getting fussy in my "old age". Just turned down a band offer.

    I wonder how much of the live music being played now-a-days is determined by the age demographic of the audience. As far as calling the tunes, it's probably due to the "melody player" (guitarist, most likely) needing to know the licks. We drummers can miss a signature fill and most of the...
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    All I can say is...

    I'm going on a little different tack. And my intention is not to offend. Anyone! But my opinion is likely to be a little abrasive. I'm a 65 year old, married for 44 years, father of three grown men, retired US Army veteran with grandchildren ranging from 2 months old to 20 years old. I...
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    Freshen air in the drums studio

    Hey @TIUNON80, @dcrigger knows his business. If a cooler room is what your seek, a simple window air conditioner is typically cheap, and although it's loud(ish) you can always turn it off when recording. You might also consider a dehumidifier that will lower the "dew point" in your drum box...
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    Gilligan's Island Band

    I was almost certain you were thinking of The Wellingtons. Why would anybody remember the band behind the theme song of a 1960's TV sitcom? Why would anybody remember that there were two different versions of The Ballad of Gilligan's Island? Does anyone even care? (other than me. :LOL: the TV...