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    Silvery Tinge After Cleaning Cymbals

    Today, I got my paiste cymbal cleaner as well as my paiste cymbal protector that I ordered online. For practice, I experimented polishing up my ZBT crash-ride first. It seems to have done a good job, the cymbal is very smooth, but there is a silvery tinge left on the cymbal (when you put it...
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    Cymbal Dents and Patina

    I recently bought a really nice set of vintage paiste 404's mixed with 505s. On the 18" crash, the bell hole is slightly bent inward, although there are no cracks. On the medium hi-hats, there are some small dents on the bell. Would it be possible or even recommended to hammer these out? I have...
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    Does anyone know what this china cymbal may be worth or what it is???

    A while ago, I got a 18" China Cymbal that came with my drum set. The seller of the drum set didn't know what company it was or where it came from (he received it from someone else). The sound of the cymbal itself is great, really dark, explosive, and crisp, but I was wondering whether it could...
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    Quick Tuning Question

    So a while ago, I was having trouble tuning my brass snare drum but I eventually got it so that it wouldn't have as many overtones. I also bought a few moongel as well and they helped quite a lot in dampening the un-wanted ring. The problem is, even when I tune the snare to a higher pitch, a...
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    So frustrated with tuning

    So I have been playing my pork pie big brass snare drum for a few months. I'm new to drumming so I'm not exactly sure why I've been having problems. I have tried tuning the resonant head many times but it never seems to eliminate the unwanted ring/overtone. I have read many different tuning...
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    Maple Drum Kit: $300 on Craigslist

    I found this maple drum kit with natural finish on Craigslist with two tom-toms, a low tom, a bass drum, and a snare. Unfortunately, it doesn't have a brand name but it looks pretty nice and the seller is sure its a maple. I was wondering if I should go for it.
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    Quick Snare Tuning Questions

    Recently, I got a new pork pie big brass snare drum. Until now, I had just used a crappy old pearl steel shell. Being new to using a high quality snare, I was wondering some basic questions about tuning it. When tuning this new snare, I noticed that some of the lugs were harder to turn than...
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    Help with this groove at approximately 0:51, he does a really cool tom beat. Can someone help explain it to me?
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    Benny Greb's Grooves help

    Can someone(s) transcribe or describe how to play these grooves please?
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    Can someone tell me what technique I am using?

    I have been playing double strokes like this for a long time. I just wanted to know exactly what I am doing. Any advice is appreciated as well.
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    How to use syncopation for the MD or Stick Control

    I recently bought these two books. Other than just reading through and playing the exercise, how can one incorporate the same content into more vareity of drumming such as fills etc...
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    yes no question

    Using ted reeds progressive syncopation for the modern drummer book, is the top line for snare and the bottom for kick or is the top line for right hand and bottom for left hand? I am trying to use the book myself.
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    What are the best books on drum fills

    What is the absolute best or "bible" of drum fill books/videos? This is based in terms of the content, the variety of ideas, the examples, and the overall presentation or ingenuity of the book.
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    Describe your favorite fill in words or post a link with a video. Any fill will do! Brownie points for Originality and Style! Note Where it Appears as well (3e&+a 4& or the type (triplet or half measure, etc...)
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    The review for groove essentials says that the 2.0 is only for int/adv players

    So is it better to get the 1.0 first or both?
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    Choice and Value

    Choice and Value: Narrowing it Which is the most useful? If I were to get only one, which would you recommend? -Jojo mayer's secrets for the modern drummer -Tommy Igoe's Groove Essentials 1.0 + 2.0 -Pat Petrillo Hands, Grooves, Fills I have heard all good reviews. Mainly, I want to focus...
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    Is it worth buying tommy igoe's play along book?

    Is it better to buy tommy igoe's play along book for groove essentials 1.0 or to buy groove essentials 2.0 dvd instead? The review for groove essentials says that the 2.0 is only for intermediate to advanced players. Is this true?
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    Drumming Books/Vids 101

    I was wondering which books or videos people would highly recommend for drumming. Quick Question: If you had only one pick, which book or vid would you find most useful(perhaps covering the most content and range)? Detailed Question (thanks alot to those who answer it): If you were to make a...