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  1. SharkSandwich

    Post your Gig Pics

    Another winery gig this weekend.
  2. SharkSandwich

    How well must you like a band before you see them in concert?

    As stated, it largely depends on ticket price and venue. I've all but given up on large arena shows by legacy bands, ridiculous ticket prices. I just won't do it. I prefer smaller up-and-coming bands when they play smaller venues. Sometimes Casinos will have good bands at more reasonable prices...
  3. SharkSandwich

    Selling off gear

    I've sold tons of equipment through craigslist without any problem. As previously mentioned, quality pictures are vital. To cut down on scammers, I always emphasize in capital letters, local pick up only.
  4. SharkSandwich

    Ludwig sound

    I own 4 snares, all Ludwig, all metal. Special indeed.
  5. SharkSandwich

    Post your Gig Pics

    I told them...8 Track Massacre first, THEN puppet show! 😅
  6. SharkSandwich

    Post your Gig Pics

    Summer concert series a couple of nights ago...
  7. SharkSandwich

    Cutting Crew - “Died in Your Arms Tonight"

    I've always loved that song....great job!
  8. SharkSandwich

    Midlife Crisis Engaged (New Kit

    Wow...beautiful! Enjoy!
  9. SharkSandwich

    Paint color choice for a practice room or studio?

    None more black....;)
  10. SharkSandwich

    How do you move your hardware (to gigs)?

    All of my Yamaha Crosstown hardware (except for my throne) and my stick bag fit into the bag that came with it. Just under 35 pounds total.
  11. SharkSandwich

    Why do I want a bop kit?

    I know it's not the same but I've been wanting a Yamaha Stage Custom Hip kit SO bad lately. I love the idea of a small compact kit.
  12. SharkSandwich

    Paiste Sig crashes

    I played Signature Full Crashes for years, lovely cymbals for any situation.
  13. SharkSandwich

    What was the first concert you went to????

    John Denver - Cow Palace, 1975. What can I say, was only 10.
  14. SharkSandwich

    America’s Got Talent: 5-Year-Old, Stand-Up Drummer

    Incredible! The kid's got pocket for days! 👏
  15. SharkSandwich

    Anyone have Experience with changing drum wraps?

    I had some silver sparkle wrap that started to yellow. I stripped the old wrap myself and sent the bare shells to Precision Dum Company for re-wrapping and drilling. I could not be happier with their work. I was fortunate that the removal of the old wrap was fairly easy, I just used the heat...
  16. SharkSandwich

    Gear Failure at Gigs

    I had a DW 7000 pedal fail during a set. Lucky, it was a double pedal so I was able to finish the set using the slave pedal. Since then, I bring a backup pedal!
  17. SharkSandwich

    Max Sansalone

    Definitely my favorite You Tube drummers. Killer feel.
  18. SharkSandwich

    Rock's Top 10 Most Frequent Drum Brand Switchers

    Phil Collins was never with Ludwig and I've never seen him on a Ludwig kit. He's really only played Premiere, Gretsch and Pearl officially.
  19. SharkSandwich

    Sparkle Kits?

    I played my silver sparkle kit for over 10 years. They never go out of style, always super classy. I also have a blue sparkle vintage kit which I adore. Safe to say, I have a thing about sparkle finishes.