Search results

  1. D

    DDrum Trigger VS. Roland RT-10K (Advice Needed)

    I am a heavy metal drummer. I am looking for a decent bass drum trigger. I've read some good and bad things about both units I mentioned in the title, but I am looking for more advice before I make a final choice. With my band there are alot of fast double bass parts so I need clarity from the...
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    Finger speed

    Anyone have any tips or exercises to increase finger speed? My goal is to work up to Mike Mangini speed (going to take me a while, I know) Any advice is helpful Thanks
  3. D

    Metal drummer (primarily) starting funk rock band

    Back story: Started out playing funk but quickly dived into every Metal (death, black, thrash etc) 9 years later I am going back to my roots by starting up a funk rock side project ...should be interesting to say the least
  4. D

    Double bass/swivel technique

    Right foot - no problem Left foot - ... want to chop it off and replace with my right foot. This technique will definitely benefit me alot, but its a bitch to get down perfectly. Damn you George Kollias!!! EERRGGH haha
  5. D

    My drumming vid Check it out. Leave a comment, good or bad. All opinions are welcome Hope you enjoy!! Thanks
  6. D

    Anyone else??

    Am I the only person annoyed with those who want "a cool looking kit"
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    Not drumming for a while

    So I've got a problem I am getting checked out by a doctor as soon as i can. My left shoulder seems to be the issue. I have pain starting at my pec muscle, going above my shoulder and down to my shoulder blade. I had a show this past saturday. I played through the pain, but it was not easy...
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    Favorite Non-Drummer Musician??

    I gotta go with Andy McKee
  9. D

    Tempo map or scratch tracks?

    What's your preference, recording to just a tempo map or scratch track or the combo of both? I usually go with straight tempo map