Search results

  1. Duck Tape

    The lack of cheap used 18” Ludwig bass drums is making me despair

    Just wait patiently, when you see one don’t haggle, just pay what they’re asking. 18’s sell for a premium where I live too
  2. Duck Tape

    Would stacking a crash on your ride stand work?

    I had the idea of reducing my footprint on stage by using a stacker. I have concerns. Is a rock crash that gets hit fairly often going to bend the thread of the stand that I stack on? Will I still have good access to the ride bell? Is it too much weight for one stand? Should I get an adjustable...
  3. Duck Tape

    Mounting a single rack Tom - what’s your style?

    This is a super basic question but coming from someone who has always played a kit with a Tom mount on the bass drum. I finally got a kit without a mount. When you mount your single rack tom, you can give it its own stand and setup a separate cymbal stand, mount it in a snare stand, hang it...
  4. Duck Tape

    Drum Room Tour!

    Was wondering if I could borrow some $$$ Jk. You are living the dream.
  5. Duck Tape

    Is it a bad idea to create a drum room on the 2nd floor?

    My drum room is on the second floor of a factory, above the break room.. unfortunately it is loud for the ppl below, so a 1st floor room would be better. I had a riser made but it didn’t make a significant difference.
  6. Duck Tape

    Never breaking cymbals

    Ufip cymbals were my brand of choice when I started, I broke everything except hats and rides. I was a pretty soft hitter. Never broke anything after I stopped using them, except a crash that fell on the concrete and one day developed a crack.
  7. Duck Tape

    Your snaredrum night youve never forgotten

    I bought a dw bell brass 14x6.5 some 5 years ago and it’s just such a pleasure to play at every gig. Occasionally I mix it up but I think this drum is special.
  8. Duck Tape

    What's your latest purchase?

    A Yamaha rock tour kit, it was really cheap so I just bought it, yet to play it.
  9. Duck Tape

    Watching gig drummers as a learning experience

    You would have to ask what job description they were given too. In my band I get ''the look" if I make a hasty musical choice. The first band I played in I could basically do whatever I wanted and was never criticized.
  10. Duck Tape

    Songs to impress "normies"

    I think a lot of drummers ARE normies. Mike Portnoy scored a lot of "greatest drummer of all time'' trophies just by playing quads and simple odd time beats. You can imagine if he knew his rudiments back in the 90's he would have alienated much of his audience.
  11. Duck Tape

    Youtube/practice question

    There’s apps that isolate the drum parts, I think this this is the best way to hear the part for certain as the music can often conceal/distract. I think Moises is one app although I’ve never used it. I have a Yamaha ead10, with the unit you can install the rec n share app, in that app you can...
  12. Duck Tape

    Canceling one gig for a better one. I don’t want to be that guy, but…

    You might not know until down the track if you’ve burned a bridge and if your risk led to more work. Hopefully works out well.
  13. Duck Tape

    Has any ever had Costochondritis from Drumming?

    Maybe look into open handed playing if that keeps your chest in a more open/equal state
  14. Duck Tape

    Has any ever had Costochondritis from Drumming?

    How sure is your doctor about the diagnosis? I know of two people who experienced pericarditis after receiving the Covid-19 vaccine, both were signed off by the doctor as having an adverse reaction as a direct result, and one was given an exemption from getting further shots (not sure about the...
  15. Duck Tape

    is this being unreasonable? (chat request from other band member)

    Playing the devils advocate here but if it genuinely takes you longer than 1 hour to pack up I would say you might be a bit slow moving, or you have too much stuff. Also the bag thing, I like my nice bags too but if it causes delays then you could possibly look at a bigger bag, or a second...
  16. Duck Tape

    Hearing at gigs

    Just curious to know what thing is so loud that it fiend out vox and guitar? I can always hear the vocalist through their fold back no matter what stage I’m on
  17. Duck Tape

    New INDe RIMS Device

    That looks very smart, would be a great upgrade for old kits without suspension mounts
  18. Duck Tape

    Advantages of low placed snares

    I don’t have mine low but I notice when I play down into a drum there’s a different technique you’re using because your sticks are pointing downward and your wrists are definitely in a different position. Perhaps it’s less effort to bring the sticks back up because they start in a higher...
  19. Duck Tape

    Sonor prices

    I just feel sorry for all the retailers, I don’t know how they are surviving this.
  20. Duck Tape

    What's your latest purchase?

    I wasn’t looking for another jam block/wood block but a dude on marketplace offered me this in addition to a bargain cowbell I bought from him. Very impressed, I think it’s better than my LP red jam block, really full tone, I suppose I’d better not hit it too hard but it has a rubbery bouncy...