Help ! I'm On A Highway To Hell

I’ve been asked to teach this song and I know it very well although I don’t particularly like it. This version is perfectly fine though.
There’s a crash on the and of 4, which acts as an anticipation of 1 in the next measure. Then nothing is played on 1 and everybody comes back on 2.
This a common musical effect that can help educate your ear.

There’s a very powerful part on displaced accents in my Time Initiation drum book.

Well, I hate to disagree with you but, there is no hit (as in snare drum) on the 2. There is a hit on the 2 and. When I count to the song 1 2 3 4, the drums come in off tempo. The drummer is back on tempo when the bass drum hits on the 4. I may be counting it wrong. But I know I'll never be able to play it to sound like the attached recording. Like I said there are two live versions on YouTube where the drummer keeps better tempo and comes in on the 1 and 2. And it sounds much more correct and on tempo.

If you're wearing headphones (or just have it turned up) you can hear the HH on the quarter notes during the pause.
Is after the 1st chorus, and Alan is right. The chorus doesn't end in one, it ends on the & of 4. Then the break after the pause is on the & of 3, 4 and the & of 4 again, following the guitar riff.
It might help to write, FROM THE ORIGINAL LINK YOU POSTED (first message), where is your doubt, from second X to second X...
This, for sure @Hollywood Jim .
@Alain Rieder knows his stuff, so if you are in disagreement I suspect it is because you're talking about different parts of the song. It is clear from the answers people are referring to different sections.

Which section in the video is giving you trouble?
Easy to guess, that's after the first chorus, he displaced everything by an eighth note I think, because he hears the bass drum plus crash on the and of 4 as being played on the next first beat.
That's what I figured, but some of the answers seem to have referenced the second break, I believe, so I wondered if that was where the confusion lie.


Hopefully Jim will pop back in and clarify.
Good morning! Thank you all my good friends for helping me understand the first break in this song. I have learned from all of you including Alain Rieder. The drums come back in at &4& and it has cleared up some of my troubles. (Like I said I originally picked up the intro to the song very quickly)

The remaining problem I had was with the drummers off tempo sounding intro after the first break. Listen to the official video at 0:55 to 1:16 while tapping your foot to the tempo. Notice how the snare hit after the &4& intro sounds off tempo. It's the first snare hit in the third bar of the break after the drums have started. Now listen to the second live performance video at 1:32 to 1:53 while tapping your foot to the tempo. In the live version the drummer stays in tempo. Which one is the correct way to play it? Which is the better way to play it?

He may play a bit behind the beat, but it's not off time, it's the backbeat. He does what I've notated above (but it sounds like the snare with the cymbal instead of a BD)
The studio version and live version are played the same way. Live is just at a faster tempo.
They like to play confusing stuff in the intros sometimes, but once you find the one in an AC/DC song, you can pretty much count on 4/4 the rest of the way. Stiff Upper Lip is my favorite example. I actually had to attempt learning the guitar riff to get used to where the one is. I still can’t play it but I have the idea.