Surprise Landing (neighbors think I'm loud)

There Is a drummer who lives and plays across the courtyard from me. I've not met him as I don't even know exactly which house he lives in.

Yes I can hear his playing but there are so many other things that disturb me more than him on a daily basis. Every morning, two ladies seem to think that just outside my front door is the perfect place for a blather as well as high-pitched cooing over the granddaughter in the buggy. The worst though is the drilling from the builders that goes on all day every day, even at weekends. Then there's the rowdy bunch gathered outside the little bar nearby whose natter goes on until the small hours, not to mention the accordion player a couple of doors away.

So I play, although not excessively, and if I get any complaints (none yet), then I'll politely mention all the noise pollution that invades my house on a daily basis. The drums are down in the basement, so I may get away with it that way.

My question is, is the OP's drumming really what his neighbours in the next street hear more than anything else? I do feel that drumming is something that particularly irritates neighbours because many see it as unnecessary and self-indulgent, even when there are plenty of other noises around that are more intrusive.
My question is, is the OP's drumming really what his neighbours in the next street hear more than anything else? I do feel that drumming is something that particularly irritates neighbours because many see it as unnecessary and self-indulgent, even when there are plenty of other noises around that are more intrusive.
Its a good point. I hear them all the time - leaf blowers, jack hammers, lawnmowing, or somebody fixing/revving their car. But what people who make those noises would say is their noise is not necessarily routine every day or all day and mostly stops by evening.
Its a good point. I hear them all the time - leaf blowers, jack hammers, lawnmowing, or somebody fixing/revving their car. But what people who make those noises would say is their noise is not necessarily routine every day or all day and mostly stops by evening.
And they might also say those noises are not the point of their activity, but a necessary side effect. I think that's part of why people are so less tolerant of drum racket. You're making that noise ON PURPOSE!!! 😁
I would spend the time and $$$ to sound proof . The next step for them is calling the Cops. I am freaking out right now because my totally cool neighbor who i hang out with on Friday nights is moving, so God knows what kind of in tolerant person will move in. best of luck
This parcel was placed on my steps by unknown person I can rule out my neighbours there cool with it have a read and what would you do?
Australia ????? Well first, I have no idea what your local sound ordinance stipulates, but the neighbors "ask" that you not drum late in the evening (hard to sleep) .... yeah, I can see that. Here, in Los Angeles area, the general rule is no loud behavior before 7 a.m. of after 10 p.m. And me, personally ..... I probably would never play before 10 a.m. ..... or any later than 6 p.m.
Not drum related….but noise related situation I found myself in, and it had a funny ending.

I lived in this neighborhood and at the time I had a late model corvette. I lived in the back of the subdivision so I had to drive right past many houses. The car was not obnoxiously loud….but definitely made some noise. This one lady always gave me the evil eye when I passed by her house. Well….one day I got home, was in my driveway….and low and behold here comes a police cruiser. The cop got out, I met him in the driveway, we talked a good while. My car was fully inspected and up to date, all emissions equipment….there was no law being broken. He told me the lady was very rude to him when she was complaining about my car…, he drives the cruiser back to her house.

She had an old 70s ford bronco, on the street curb, it leaked oil, had no tags, out of inspection…..he wrote her all kinds of citations LOL. The bronco had to be towed off. No telling how much her whining about me ended up costing her in the long run. Karma is a beautiful thing
Clearly you have other neighbours beyond the few houses around you.
Its a fair letter. Yes you could ignore it but that will likely create future problems. You could just adjust your habits.
Oh well, winter is coming and more people are indoors with their doors and windows closed.
I'm in Australia our Summer is coming.
I call bullcrap on " we aren't even on same street and it sounds like it's in the same room" that just seems like to much of an exaggeration given your closest neighbors don't have an issue. Whatever you do don't go buy an ekit because the hassle. You can download a free decibel meter app and get a friend to measure the sound levels outside while you are playing-I bet it's no different than when someone is mowing their yard or other loud noises over ambient-though granted I know the low frequency pitch sound waves can carry great distances we aren't elephants and hear infrasound (in fact we hear lower frequencies poorly). What pisses me off is the cowardly means of leaving an anonymous note and not even bothering trying to reason with you. That's weasel vermin bullcrap-I don't play dat. I'm amicable to reason and in fact will apologize and make sure I'm more cautious of my sound levels and time-but this cowardly bullcrap drives me ballistic.
I call bullcrap on " we aren't even on same street and it sounds like it's in the same room" that just seems like to much of an exaggeration given your closest neighbors don't have an issue. Whatever you do don't go buy an ekit because the hassle. You can download a free decibel meter app and get a friend to measure the sound levels outside while you are playing-I bet it's no different than when someone is mowing their yard or other loud noises over ambient-though granted I know the low frequency pitch sound waves can carry great distances we aren't elephants and hear infrasound (in fact we hear lower frequencies poorly). What pisses me off is the cowardly means of leaving an anonymous note and not even bothering trying to reason with you. That's weasel vermin bullcrap-I don't play dat. I'm amicable to reason and in fact will apologize and make sure I'm more cautious of my sound levels and time-but this cowardly bullcrap drives me ballistic.
You make complete sense i will not change any thing that im doing i will mot buy a Ekit i don't like them the fact that someone has sent me this ridiculous letter with mutes has pissed me right off i have looked into the times within playing loud music and I have obeyed it so he or she can stick it were it fits Thanks for you thoughts on this Cheers.
Noise ordinances vary widely by locale, but many are very vague. They often have a clause about nuisance noise, aside from the time restrictions.

I found this out the hard way in my old neighborhood. After several visits by local law enforcement (who were very professional, BTW), I was advised that next time I'd be issued a citation. I said that didn't seem fair, since I wasn't playing at restricted hours and my drums were quieter outside than my neighbors' mowers, leaf blowers, Harleys, etc. I asked what I could do. He said he understood, but the way the ordinance was written, he was required to cite if someone made a nuisance complaint. Then, just like a traffic ticket, I would have a chance to contest the ticket in court. If the judge thought drums were obnoxious, I would likely lose.

So, make sure you read your local ordinance completely and understand your rights before you decide to make war. It's not a war you're guaranteed to win.
I'd try to not be an a$$hole to my neighbours, regardless if I'm "allowed" to be or not.
Drums are loud and annoying if it's heard throughout the neighbourhood.
I know this and I myself find ways to mitigate sound so I don't ever find myself in a position of having to deal with noise complaints.

That's just me, you do you. Tiges, no offense but I'm glad I'm not your neighbour. 😁👍
I love reading these "polite" notes, the entitlement/righteousness just sticks out.

I mean, I would try and be quieter if I were you, if you aren't doing anything to sound proof/sound treat your drum room and you play at all hours then that is a bit slack, but some people are just never going to be happy.
I think people have the right not to be disturbed by other people's noise. That's why I learnt on an E kit.
I also think the letter is tactful and diplomatic - and they've actually spent money to help a problem they didn't cause.
Just a follow up to my previous post - I wasn't being an unrepentant a$$hole. I was actually moving the drums to different parts of my house, trying noise mitigation, etc. I was also going door to door to ask if the noise bothered them.

Finally, I discovered which neighbor it was (the cops didn't want to tell me, for obvious reasons), and we developed a schedule and I ended up moving the drums to a room further from her house, and it all worked out.
I think people have the right not to be disturbed by other people's noise. That's why I learnt on an E kit.
I'd like to agree, but the reality is, it's a noisy freaking world out there! I'm disturbed by others' noise nearly 24/7, so I'd like to be able to make a sound that I like, at least when I owned my own house.

Now I'm in an apartment, so drumming is out of the question anyway. I can't even find a rehearsal studio to rent in this town, but that's a whole nuther story
I'd like to agree, but the reality is, it's a noisy freaking world out there! I'm disturbed by others' noise nearly 24/7, so I'd like to be able to make a sound that I like, at least when I owned my own house.

Now I'm in an apartment, so drumming is out of the question anyway. I can't even find a rehearsal studio to rent in this town, but that's a whole nuther story
"It's a noisy freaking world out there"
Not in Australia, mate.
The burble of the billabong, the chuckle of the kookaburra, the mumble of the koala and the gurgle of the trapdoor spider, Taipan, and box jellyfish victims is all that disturbs the suburban tranquility there, Bruce.