Drum rentals in Istanbul, Turkey?


Junior Member
Hey guys,

I'm traveling from Austin to Istanbul, Turkey in a couple weeks with my belly dance jazz trio Atlas Maior, and I'm wondering if there's a way I can play some gigs there by renting minimal gear. I need to know where to go and how to make it happen. I figure renting a snare and cymbals would be the most expensive, so I'll bring mine. But I'd really rather not bring anything! I'm definitely planning on getting a handmade cymbal and taking some lessons while I'm there. I'm just most concerned with how I'm gonna get a basic kick/snare/hat/floor/crash-ride setup in time for these gigs, especially in the short-notice case that one is confirmed the night of my arrival. I'd do kick/snare/hat/ride if I had to.

Here's variations on my setup:

Thanks for any advice y'all can give!

I guess you already got gigs lined up? Why not ask the organizer? I'm sure its easy to find if u can google in Turkish :) Maybe use google translate?
Thanks so much dazzlez :) Yes we've got gigs lined up, and by the time I get there, maybe one or two more! You've gotten me so much closer to getting this covered.

If anyone else has ideas, please share! I think many of us here owe it to ourselves to visit Turkey and see the culture where handmade cymbals come from.

Thanks again bro!
