Toto Pocket Practice


Platinum Member
Had a welcome couple hours on the tubs last night, the better half was watching car crash T.V. so I took the cowards way out and got to spend a bit more time with my steambent.

Got down the lock up and had a play along to some Toto for the first time in ages and loved it. Forgot how much fun it is to play along to songs you love. Plus the place was full of other bands so I needed to drown the sound of out of tune Pearl Exports!

It surprised me how good it is for discipline and time keeping because it's all groove and pocket practice. I've forgotten how quick the Rosanna shuffle is on the recording but the back end of the Isolation album is still the daddy when it comes to feel.

Does anyone else do similar things if you have to practice on your own or you just fancy a jam.
Apologies, I thought the post was about something else entirely.

I'm here all week folks Try the prime rib...

I used to practice pocket along to a bunch of cheesy Bee Gees tunes off Saturday Night Fever. Say what you like, but that rhythm section was off the hook. It's simple stuff, but if you take it for granted that you can nail those feels in your sleep then you are probably wrong.
I played along to 2 hours of "Snoop Dogg" records last night. I find that the programmed beats, aside from being cool, are always very metronome-ic and they work well for grooving and practicing in-time fills as well.