TD3 upgrade.. TD4 or TD9 Module?


Junior Member
Hi All,

I have had a TD3 for about 6 months now and it has been great for getting back into drumming but I am really starting to feel its shortcommings when I play. The sounds are OK, but the dynamics and sensitivity are quite limited despite playing with the settings.

Being in Australia, we dont really have good prices for modules, so I am looking to buy from the US..

My question is: which should I upgrade to - the TD4 or TD9? Both are totally out of my budget, but hey isn't everything!?

I know a lot of you will immediately suggest the TD9 but I just wondered considering that the TD4 was released in 2009 and the TD9 (V1 which is all I could afford) was released in 2008 whether the 4 had some features over the 9?

I have the usual PD8 toms and CY8 cymbals with the PD85x (i think?) mesh snare.. so I am happy enough with this setup to continue..

Please let me know your thoughts - I am looking to use this ekit for practise and very small gigs with a non-loud band for some jazz/soul/funk/motown tunes...

Thanks all!
TD9. get a second hand from ebay if you want to save some money. After that a version 2 firmwire upgrade is available for purchase in Australia from Roland. That soft upgrade has not yet been released in USA though. TD4 has got rhythm check function but TD9 has got even a better practice function called Scope. TD4 is a lower end model. Check up the specs from Roland site.