A nice 3pc vintage kit on ebay... anyone?

Those drums make my DW Classics purchase seem reasonable, and I thought the Classics were too much $. I love the DW Classics kit, but just to add a 16x18 floor tom to the kit is $1000. A Ludwig Classic Maple 16x18 floor tom is half that.

I guess I'm just grateful I don't have the Gretsch addiction added to my gear lust.
Found this ad on KIJIJI. The price I have seen regularly for similar kits has been in $3500 range.


$10 grand seems quite out of whack to me.
The big difference, is the factory 18" kick, which is why someone dropped over $11K on it. A 20" Round Badge ain't that rare. Hell, I have one. I've never ever even seen an 18.​