But there sure is an easier path to success for women drummers.

Sorry, but I'm going to call BS on this.

What you mean to say is that it's easier to get noticed if you're a cute, young, female drummer on YT, where your target market is spotty youths who are utterly blown away by the notion of a ladyperson playing drums.

Sure, you'll stand out and get noticed.

Now try and turn that into any sort of career, and suddenly the things that got you noticed (boobs) seem to signal that you can't be a serious drummer, because none of them have boobs.
Sorry, but I'm going to call BS on this.

Nah. You're just offering a dissenting opinion. You aren't disproving anything. That's not how opinions work.

Bass players have this exact same argument. It's funny that anyone would argue about it because it's so common it's a stereotype - hot girl on bass (kind of like Stu Sutcliffe on bass with the Beatles, same idea but different era).

Just one drumming example: Meytal Cohen is HUGE on YouTube for exactly one reason. If she were a guy she'd just be another guy drumming on YouTube.

I don't begrudge her or any YouTube drummer their gimmicky success, YT is all about finding a gimmick. But a hot girl drumming in the modern world is going to have more doors open for her than "just another guy drummer", particularly in media that focuses on superficial characteristics.
Re: How to make success on YouTube as a musician Luca Giorgio Thunder Bay

TO larry lace, COBUS DOESN'T NOT ANSWER, he doesn't want competition, and to be honest, he built up subscribers early -- most people who follow him dont even understand drumming at an experienced level.

to you all who said you hate my covers or disliek them, check the otehr songs.

try this one....its literally a random ipod shuffle kind of cover....

Not quite sure as to exactly what the question here is, but if it's "How do you become successful/famous/make money from youtube as musician" I'd have to say (and I'm sure this is an unpopular opinion) either have boobs and a tiny bit of talent, *cough* Meytal *cough* or make repetitive and arguably mediocre covers of pop and dubstep songs *cough* Casey Cooper *cough*