Ludwig Classic Maple pics please

hey everyone i was wondering if anyone had a pic of a ludwig classic maple in Mahogony Stain. I was also wondering if any one knew how much a Classic maple would cost in bonham sizes
26-14 bass
14-12 tom
16-16 Floor tom
18-16 floor tom
14- 6.5 snare
thanks again
I would go to the Bonham Set Thread on this web site. There are all kinds of maple classics on that thread. My kit is the green sparkle kit that the picture was taken outside on my front lawn. I have the same sizes that you are asking about except my tom is a 10"x14". My kit was about $1900 bucks.
Here's my baby; I started with Maple Ludwigs back in the early 70's, went to Vistalite when my kit was stolen, and after two Vistalite kits (no shell problems at all, by the way) bought this kit (in 2007). It's an L8024LX.


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