Buddy Rich-The Last Interview

Unlike most other BR interviews, I actually enjoyed this one.

He seemed much more like the gracious elder statesman of jazz, like Tony Bennett, than the usual grumpy Buddy Rich.

As always, his performance was great.

Thanks for posting.
Great thread. It got me deeper into arguably one of the greatest drummers ever. It's easy to see why he was succesful, he absolutely did what he loved. I'm going to lift a glass to Buddy tonight.
It occurs to me that despite his reputation the young lions still would flock to get in to his band.

Tough love?

I enjoyed the interveiw as well.
I guess alot of musicians are in attendance at any concert. But when you went to see Buddy, it was like entering Drum Clinic Supreme Headquarters. Afterwards, you couldn't wait to get home to your drums. Then, when you did, you crushingly discovered how much you couldn't do on drums in comparison to Buddy. Just made you feel like throwing your drums away... almost! I remember an older drummer saying to me, "Buddy isn't just another drummer. He's an athlete."