Mike Johnston

I have watched quite a few of his youtube video's and very impressed with what I see.This young man not only a skilled drummer but a great teacher,and has one of the fastest right feet I have ever heard.Quite a few drummers who have watched his videos accuse him of using a double pedal which would be pretty tuff to do while playing 1/4 an 1/8 with his hi hat.A definate credit to the drumming community
Steve B
Some footage from a clinic of his I went to last night.

You can't see it from this view (I was actually standing a couple of feet away from this view), but in attendance (both standing directly behind me) were both Eric Moore and Dante Roberson. Dante, also sat in for a number; cat holds it down like vice grips!

The sampler is a new addition to the kit. I think he mixes it in well.