Is this more money than sense?

ahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha ahahahahahahaha hahahahaha aahahahahahahaha ahahahaha.

If you are dead serious about not knowing S4D, you are in for a treat!

If you already know about him, this attempt for lulz was too obvious.
I can't imagine how anyone could possibly be more cool than that guy! Nobody here has ever heard of him, but thanks for introducing us to greatness!
The original poster registered in Oct. 2011 and hasn't heard of Sticks???
Man, have you been living on Saturn all that time?? hahaha
I only know him by reputation, but bloody hell, there's enough hardware there to pay off the entire UK deficit and then some :O
"self confessed" "endorsed mapex artist.."

in that case, I am an endorsed Guru artist.......

Andy, can you let me know when I should stop by and pick up my drums?
I had no idea this kit thing went so deep. It seems like each kit has its own hardware, pedals and thrones as well.

Seems like he enjoys collecting and displaying the things more than playing them
Wow. I hadn't seen that monster Gretsch 57 kit. Or the Starclassic. He's been keeping busy.
I wonder how much money we are talking here, $20 - $25K?

Yeah, $20k for the Arctic Monster maybe.
More than double that for everything else.
I would guess all those kits,cymbals, hardware and electronics - all in
....a solid $100k.

That's disturbing.
I guess when you get booted off too many forums, you can just make your own.

I feel a little conspicuous owning more than two snare drums and more than 15 cymbals. I guess not everyone has that issue.
Just addressing the OP - more money than sense? Definitely "yes". He obviously has plenty of money and his 6+ banned profiles suggest he hasn't got much sense. Still, the same criticism could easily be levelled at me with my high level kit, lack of interest in gigging and 13k posts on the forum ...

That's disturbing.

He's obviously a collector and he has the bread to pay for it. You're not really disturbed, Mr Evil - just filthy jealous :)