Favorite beginner drum tracks?


Senior Member
For those of you who drum along with music tracks, what were some of your favorite things to play along with when you were just starting out?

Many years ago when I was starting out I liked playing along with this track from "Doom," because it helped me develop independence between the kick drum and time-keeping hand.

Pixies' "Debaser" has simple fills and a nice, difficult cross-handed rhythm in the chorus, you have to work the high-hat a little on the fills. It was one of my favorite things to play when I was learning. Lots of Pixies songs actually.

The other one was Lush's "De-luxe" - I was pretty pleased with myself when I got that. I actually still love playing that song.

I could probably think of a ton of these, I feel like I had the headphones on more when I was first learning than I do now.