Looking for a soundproofing solution for drums


Junior Member

I have a digital drumkit in my apartment. (Roland V-Drums TD4-KX2 if you must know)

I would like to soundproof it towards the floor since it seems that it still makes somewhat too much noise for it to be tolerable for my neighbours and people in my surroundings.

What seems to bug them is the noise it makes when I use the basspedal and when I hit the pads. My guess is the sound resonates in the drumkit through the frame and goes towards the floor through the stand.
The soundproofing carpets I've found and seen are not only ridiculously expensive, too large but also doesn't seem to be a viable solution to soundproofing the drumkit since I do not wish to soundproof the entire floor that is directly UNDER the drums, but only the "feet" so to say of the stands of the drums + the bass pedal stand.

What suggestions do you guys have of soundproofing the drumkit?
I tried using a mixture of different drumsticks - like blasticks but the drumkit was not good in detecting those hits and it felt just weird and wrong.

Any suggestions are highly appreciated

Thanks, I think this is going to become my next DIY build project.
I have the invaluable opportunity of having a personal friend that makes violins and he owes me a favour so I think Imma gonna return that favour soon enough...
The bass pedal always makes the most noise on electric kits unless you get a hd-1, but theres not much your neighbors can do, as long as you're not playing it late at night