Psychadelic shoegaze?


Senior Member
Just found out that my (much) younger cousin is playing drums for "Spirit and the Melchizedek Children". Their music is defined as psychedelic shoegaze? First time I've ever heard this stuff. Is there a market for this?

Here's one of their...ahem....hits.
Is there a market for this?
Do they generate an income?

Perhaps that was a bit snarky and reductive. They're​ basically just a permutation on indie rock, so yes, of course there's a market. Do they have that unquantifiable thing needed to tap into it? I don't know.
Psychadelic shoegaze - when i hear that phrase I think Spacemen 3 and Spiritualized
Same thing My Bloody Valentine and Swervedriver were doing in the 90's under a new name. I think that genre was called Swirl back in the 90's. I found the dry drum sound distracting and out of place sounding with the amount of reverb on everything else.
Oh man, your boy had to play a towel. Not sure if that's part of the psychedelic shoegaze sound.

Well, they're touring and they're hip so your cousin will get laid, at least.