Hi-Hat hand technique

Mad skills in his hi hat hand. Mini moeller to the rescue?
I believe you hit the neck of the stick on 1 and then hit the tip on E, hit the neck on AND then the tip on AH so on and so forth. I just watched a video about this like literally a day ago, maybe less. I wish I knew which one but I've got dozens on my hard drive and I watch a lot on Youtube. If I come across it I'll post up a link.
^ +1

Try this. Play a slow single stroke roll, but as you play move your sticks. Start with the tips, then the shoulders, and then to the shafts of the sticks. Three TOTALLY different sounds. I usually play with the shoulders of my sticks because I like more of a wash even when my hats are closed. Ironically, I almost never play my ride with the shoulder of the stick.
Yup good ideas Sticks. It really gets your wrist working lol. Also Larry is correct, it's pretty much like the Moeller technique but not as it's not a triplet though the motion is the same thing. Sort of like a rocking motion. :)
Try to play different 16th note variations on the hats and mixing up the order of which 16th you accent.

So over a 4/4 bar you play:

Xxx_Xxx_Xxx_Xxx_ (where the X = accented hihat. Play it with the shoulder of the stick, x= unaccented hihat played with the tip of the stick and _ is a rest)

ex. 2

ex. 3

ex. 4

This should get you starting! Then just start mixing your own patterns. You got 16 (or 8 if you wish) notes to play around with, Have fun!

The Moeller technique is the one normally used, so you should check that out as well :)
Guys, what the OP is asking, I believe, does not really apply to the Moeller technique 100%. It's not a triplet feel to the groove, it's just 8th notes that are accented. Like Larryace said, it's more of a "mini" Moeller as the motion is close but it's not a triplet.

I'm not disputing the advice given of the Moeller technique but the beat is not in triplet form.