Weatherking Remo Question


I played these Remo White Suede Emperor heads in a rehearsal studio. I really liked it because of the "soft" feel. So I decided to buy a set of these heads for my toms. But when I got and installed the heads, it is not the same "soft" feel that I liked. The finish is different also. The one in the studio is smoother. I came back to the studio to re-check the drum heads. I found out that the one in the studio has the name Remo "Weather King" White Suede Emperor on it. Mine is the same but does not have "Weather King". Does anybody here know the reason for that? Thanks in advance!!!
Remo recently changed the logo on their heads. They made the crown and the word Remo written inside it, larger and dropped the word Weatherking altogether. Other than the ink, the heads should be the same.
I didnt know they changed logo recently. Yes Both of them are white suede emperors. I guess they changed the version like how drum companies modify drums. Thanks for the replies guys!
In that case, the feel and finish should be identical. Only the logo has changed. Those White Suede heads are made with the same film as Smooth White heads. It just gets an extra process to create the texture on it.