Changing Drum Heads


Senior Member
How often should one change/replace their drum heads? I have had my single-ply stock batter drum heads for a good two years now, and although they sound great, they are very "denty". I bought some Coated Remo Emperors so I could have an older 60's sound, but I don't want to be wasteful and put them on when mine sound good already. I figured I should just put them on when I bust a hole in a head?
If you're playing regularly I'd suggest at least every year, if not 6 months. As for the resonant head, I say once every 2 head changes.
in short, when they sound bad. that's about every 4 months (for toms that is). resonant heads every 3 times i change my batter. bass drum gets changed about once a year, maybe a year and half - same time with the reso. snare drum gets changed around once every 2~4months, reso every 2nd time. snare wires not very often (i don't have my wires tight at all.)
When heads are denty, I really can't imagine that they actually sound as good as they would when new. Honestly, I think you'd be quite pleasantly surprised if you replaced 2-year-old stock heads.
When heads are denty, I really can't imagine that they actually sound as good as they would when new. Honestly, I think you'd be quite pleasantly surprised if you replaced 2-year-old stock heads.

I did! They sound perfect... Thanks!
Once in the hot season and then once in the cold season. If you put new heads on in november,change them once it gets really hot. July or august,say. This is what I try to do as as a gigging drummer playing 2 to 3 gigs per week year 'round. Your mileage may vary.