This is really funny :)

I hope they went back for that Zildjian.
The girls should have replied by saying "want a crash?" followed by another car crashing into the guys.

He should have given her a pitch black.

It would still be lame.
A half-assed smile - yes. Bursting in laughter - no. But kudos to them for coming up with the idea.

Personally I've never seen anything really funny from the brothas. They just have a style of not being really funny. What I find more funny is doing typos on their YouTube videos and getting the names of interviewed drummers wrong (or mispronouncing them)...
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That certainly makes a big "splash".It did look like a "crash" and burn for those guys though.A cymbal of what not to do to meet girls.

Sorry,I'll stop now.:)

Steve B
Was that a cymbal of their love for the girls?