Keith Copeland MD Interview 1984

Scott K Fish

Silver Member
Keith Copeland MD Interview 1984

SKF NOTE: I rediscovered my Keith Copeland interview transcript in July 2015. Keith and I spoke over dinner at a Centre Island, NY restaurant. I have forgotten the restaurant name. Neither do I remember how this interview came to pass. But re-reading the transcript for the first time in about 30 years, I am impressed! Keith and I had a good rapport, both asking very good questions and giving very good answers.

My Modern Drummer interview transcripts were often longer than their corresponding published interviews. Each Modern Drummer had only so many pages, plus it is the rare interview that isn't more readable after editing.

When I began posting segments from Mr. Copeland's tanscript I could not remember when, if at all, the interview was published. I left MD in October 1983. With my interviews published after date I’m missing memories of the hands-on work of putting together the MD issue involved. Even as of this writing, neither a Google search nor a search of Modern Drummer's web site shows any online reference to Keith's interview.

So here is Keith Copeland's MD interview. It's a keeper.


SKF Blog: Life Beyond the Cymbals Click Here to Read the Full Keith Copeland Interview