open close technique for single stroke roll exercise


Junior Member
I've been practicing open close technique for a few months, mostly focused just on Gordy Knudtson's "singled 4" for fast single stroke rolls:

Looking to branch out I found a great single-stroke roll exercise from Jared Falk (non-open/close) and I'd like some feedback on doing the exercise using open close. Any thoughts on a) playing the whole page as "singled 4" (right open, left open, right close, left close) and just speed up and slow down for 16th and 32nd notes *OR* b) play only the 32nd notes as "singled 4"s, and play the 16th notes as regular strokes (non-open/close)?

PDF for Jared's "Single Stroke Roll Speed" exercise:

Any feedback welcome! ;)
Both techniques are valid. My advice is to take what you can from all exercises that you encounter and try to get what you can from them. I also advise that you revisit exercises and drills frequently during practice sessions as a constant reminder. Techniques tend to come and go sometimes if we don't keep up with them.
I recommend taking a look at Jojo Mayer's DVD for a slightly different take on open-close, he uses more finger. I also recommend doing the entire first page of Stick Control with open-close every day. In addition, I recommend alternating Gordy's open-close triplets with Moeller-style triplets, both are useful. Finally, I recommend doing French grip open-close as well, it's actually easier once you get it going. Especially doing triplets open-close in French grip is fun, and much easier.

Also, I really have a lot of fun moving open-close around the drums, four notes per drum. Start this really slow at first, it's somewhat challenging for a few weeks, but fun once you get it moving.
Thanks a million! Super helpful insights. Have been working the exercises both ways and seeing some improvement.

Again thank you for your help-