Gretsch Catalina Ash

Hey all, I recently found a used Catalina Ash kit, in the beautiful deep red finish. I'm currently playing through an older Pearl Forum. It's an ok kit, but I've had such a hard time finding a good sound out of them despite trying different heads and tuning with a Drumdial. Is the Catalina Ash a worthwile upgrade for $400. It's a a 6 piece kit.
Yes, it is worthwhile upgrade to your Forum kit. If it is in good shape, then it is a pretty good price. Peace and goodwill.
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Same as the Cat maples you asked about........only ash.

I do note you've said you are only a new drummer though. Don't be too quick to blame your sound on the kit mate. The thought that if you had a bigger and better kit your sound will automatically improve an easy trap that many beginners fall into. It takes time to learn the nuances, the feel and even the tuning process that are required to make a drum kit "sing". I'd hate to see you throw your hard earned away on a new kit only to find that the problem doesn't really lie with the old kit at all, but with your level of experience. I'd encourage you to keep practising on what you have for the time being.

At this early stage in your development what you play is far more important than what you play it on.
That's some great advice, I guess I should wait until I'm a little more seasoned and I really know what sound I'm looking for. I've managed to get the kit sounding fairly decent, definitely playable and enjoyable at the same time. I guess my best bet would be to keep playing with the Forums, and practice my tuning abilities. Thanks for the advice, cheers!
That's some great advice, I guess I should wait until I'm a little more seasoned and I really know what sound I'm looking for. I've managed to get the kit sounding fairly decent, definitely playable and enjoyable at the same time. I guess my best bet would be to keep playing with the Forums, and practice my tuning abilities. Thanks for the advice, cheers!

A good approach. Mind you, if you're absolutely itching to spend money, or get that buzz from a new drum-related purchase, you can devote that to different or better cymbals. Upgrade or increase your array of cymbals. They make a difference too.
Yep, I did upgrade the cymbals. The cymbals the Forums came with are trash (IMHO). Currently using Dream energy 14" hats, Dream energy 22" crash/ride, and a 16 and 18" sabian xs20 rock crash. These cymbals are definitely a big improvement over the stock tin that came with the kit.